Wireing Harness

If I purchased an SR20 with a complete harness and ECU what kind of wireing would be involved? Would there be a lot that needed to be done or would it just be plug and play…?

There still is alot to do like extending wires to reach.

Sasha knows exaclty which ones.

There is also converting some and extending connectors on the Lower Harness and On the Upper harness for FuelPump Relay etc.

you need to extend the MAFS and O2 sensor wires (6 total wires) and change 2 plugs at the battery bay with KA clips so they can plug into chassis wiring, as well as change a clip inside near the ECU that sends all the signals to the dash.

the lower harness you take the transmission sensors out of your KA, and use the KA lower harness. everything bolts right up except for the start solenoid plug which you cut off the SR, cut the KA plug off, and solder the SR clip on. Put the 2 KA transmission sensors in your SR. I think the KA has like… 3-4 sensors, but in the end you only use 2, the ones that correspond with the location of the ones of the SR. the other plugs you just leave unplugged.

sasha, how long qould it take you to install a sr if someone wanted to pay you to do it??? i dont have one this is just a general question