Wireless making computer crash?

My laptop is a Toshiba Satellite, about 3 years old. Has integrated wireless, windows xp home. I used to use various wireless networks all over the place, but now I mostly just use my wireless at home. It would always recognize all the available networks and never had any connectivity problems.

Anyway, I was at a hotel last weekend that had free wireless, and my computer kept crashing and restarting while quickly flashing a blue screen/white text but too quickly to read. It would immediately crash the second it recognized the available networks, before even trying to connect to one. If I switched off the wireless the computer would work fine. At first I thought something with the wireless was physically damaged and it was shorting out, but when I came home it connected to my network and my neighbors networks just fine.

Any idea what the problem was?

We actually have seen this problem here at UB, I don’t remember if the cause was figured out…

do you just connect to the wireless connection or is there some kind of login process?

I dont know if there was a login or not, it would crash before I could see anything, basically just after I put my windows pw in to come back from hibernating and it started looking for networks, it would shut off.

I’ve used tons of various wireless networks and its always been fine, except for that time. It sucked ass, I had a bunch of stuff I wanted to check online when I was at the hotel.

I remember seeing on the news awhile back that a lot of free hot spots at Starbucks actually were some sort of virus that somebody setup and would cause pc’s to crash when trying to connect to them. Not sure if this was something that happened to you at the hotel but could be.

A BSOD (blue screen of death is what you had) typically is some sort of failure or conflict whether it be hardware or software related. If it doesn’t happen now at your home’s wireless it sounds like the hot spot you were connecting to coulda been something similiar to what I saw on the news.

That could be it, the one time I saw the network list for a split second before it crashed there were about 10 in range. Could have been one of those :gotme:


I remember seeing on the news awhile back that a lot of free hot spots at Starbucks actually were some sort of virus that somebody setup and would cause pc’s to crash when trying to connect to them. Not sure if this was something that happened to you at the hotel but could be.

A BSOD (blue screen of death is what you had) typically is some sort of failure or conflict whether it be hardware or software related. If it doesn’t happen now at your home’s wireless it sounds like the hot spot you were connecting to coulda been something similiar to what I saw on the news.



[QUOTE=ryanmcell;639801]I remember seeing on the news awhile back that a lot of free hot spots at Starbucks actually were some sort of virus that somebody setup and would cause pc’s to crash when trying to connect to them./QUOTE]

sounds totally feasible… i really couldn’t imagine an hardware incompatibility causing this… or at least i would hope not…

he has teh HIV!!


[quote=ryanmcell;639801]I remember seeing on the news awhile back that a lot of free hot spots at Starbucks actually were some sort of virus that somebody setup and would cause pc’s to crash when trying to connect to them./QUOTE]


Its pretty simple. My wireless in my room is setup to catch fuckers trying to get free wireless :slight_smile: