wiring mp3 player to head unit

im not sure if this is the right forum, if its not im sur eit’ll be moved…
i got a mp3 player i need wired into my stock head unit so i dont have to use the little tape thing.

How would i do this?
any radio gurus this would help. :slight_smile:

the tape thing gets you the best sound quality…

I have read that the Sirius FM modulator is excellent but I would not buy any other becasue most of them suck REALLY bad

its wierd when i put it in sometime itll go in sound liek its flipping the tape do it again, then the tape pops out and continues to do it for a while i dont understand, hence why i want to wire it in

unless u have an input, not gonna happen.

sounds like ur tape deck could be the problem. try another tape and see what happens.

monster does make a fm transmitter that is decent, only it’s $50 :confused:

Is there a factory CD changer input? or an aux input?

Moved to Electronics.

I would advise against the FM transmitters, thesound quality tends to suck. If the head unit has aux ports, RCA, or some other jack that you can integrate with the MP3 player, that would be your best route.

get a headunit with aux inputs

i bought is from the rat shack :mad:

Violator hit it right on the nose. That FM mod he posted isn’t wireless so it will work pretty damn good since your using your OEM radio.

yea no tape they are shit. imo first choice is to use an aux input, if you have a factory changer or a factory changer contolable radio we sell an plug for factory integration and then the second would be a WIRED FM MODULATOR not a wireless, they are shit. but if you want to know more just stop by circuit city in greece or any other electronics store may have the same things.