"Without hesitation, I choose the city" by William Graebner

There are certain areas in Buffalo where the mansions do have rather large yards. I personally don’t give a shit about a yard, so the less the better for me.

Thanks for the sig, JayS. :tup:

I live in pendleton now and I hate it. I’m surrounded by Amherst, Williamsville, Lockport, Niagara Falls, etc. and they are all terrible.

When I’m 50 and turn into a boring old man, I will live in the suburbs. Right now, I want to live in the city. So I guess it takes a real man to want to live in the city, lol.

You know, not all of us who live in the burbs are here because we’re frightened of the big bad city.

Haha I didn’t say they were, but the people who are afraid of the city do live in the suburbs :wink:

Personal preference is an entirely different matter than not living somewhere because of a misguided opinion about it. Some people like the suburbs, and thats all good. Its blanketing the city with an image that all of it is gang wars and bullets flying around that I have an issue with.

all personal opinion. I live in Pendleton for the past 6 years after living in the city for 18years, and i like it out here a lot more then in the city.

No, if you move to the right section your chances of dying from gang violence are very low. But, there is lots of other BS to deal with. Perfect example. My brother in law has an apartment right on Elmwood, across from ETS. He’s in his early 20’s, got it because he loves the idea of being “cool city guy”. When I helped him move in I told him, “You might as well take the CD player out of your car, toss it in the street, and run over it. It will save you a window.”. He laughed thinking I was joking. Two weeks later he came over for dinner and I noticed his garbage bag back window. Just like I told him, minus one window and one bottom of the line $100 cd player.

That’s the bullshit I can’t stand about the city. Then to dump salt on the wound, about a month later some unlicensed, uninsured asshole plowed into his legally parked car, totalling it, and now he’s stuck taking the guy to court.

So for me, it’s a combination of that and wanting to raise a family where I can give my kid the best I can. I want her to have a neighborhood where she can ride her bike around with friends, have sleepovers in the back yard, pool parties, and the best schools. If that makes me too scared to live in the city, fine, I’m a proud coward then because my decisions are based on a lot more than what I think is cool.

And Joe, I think if you ever find a little munchkin to pop your cherry and you get a kid, I think you’ll quickly lose interest in your cool city place. :wink:


im with joe and brett.

I lived in williamsville all my life. Then i moved out onto elmwood in the city. I can’t begin to talk about how much fun it was. Such a better experience. People walking all up and down elmwood on the weekends. So many little shops. There was just so much to do

Of course I will, I will tell them all about banging the slutty waitress. LOL

Ha Ha, almost every kid downtown is from the burbs.

Dont see why there is a battle between city and burbs really? who cares.

Get a place with a garage. I lived one block from there for a year and a half and I loved it. Man I miss those cheese steak subs… :frowning:

Since Tom is one of the whitest people I know that was pretty funny. :slight_smile:

yea the chippewa part wasn’t my favorite part of the letter, but i didnt want to hack it up.


Seriously if you’re smart about where you choose to live and what you leave in your car, you should never have issues. I’m going on three years in the city, and 2.5 in pittsburgh with not a single crime/theft problem.

My car was vandalized multiple times back when I lived in Orchard Park, and my old neighbors cars were just broken into about a month or two ago in OP as well. I am not saying the suburbs are in any shape worse off than the city, because they arent by any means… but still, shit can happen anywhere.

Most of the people in this thread that (currently) live in the city have never had an issue, and love living here.

off street parking ensures your car not getting fucked with. but to be honest, if you take your faceplate off, your cd player will not get stolen.

also, if you have an alarm, this greatly decreases your chances

on that old black bmw i had, there was no alarm, a $500 cd player, and a system, and it never got broken into

:werd: people that are going to be taking cd players and shit dont want to fuck with alarms and shit they’d just move on to a car that is easier to break into

not necessarily, freshman year i had my shitty bazooka bass tube stolen, alarm going off and everything, on blaine at canisius where its full of decent cars that students bring from the suburbs. To get this tube that they probably sold for $20, i had to pay for $300 worth of shit that they broke going for it.

the only time I ever had a car broken into was at UB north in Amherst…


btw, a professor I once had made a disclaimer with every statistic or generalization he said;


actually my logic professor said something like that last year… “we’re not going to be questioning the given statements in this class. Finding exceptions and picking holes in other people’s arguments doesn’t mean you understand a bit of logic, it just makes you a logical pain in the ass.”