Witnessed: 350Z > Cobalt SS *Rape Scene*

lol, actually if you guys wanna know, it was a sheriff, not amherst. I was there… wayy behind cuz I knew what was gonna happen. As soon as the sheriff flew by me I knew what was going on and since they were so far ahead of me, I turned off on another street and didn’t have to deal with stupid shit. A cruise doesn’t mean everyone needs to show off all the time. Way to make a name for yourself I guess? Call me crazy, but 75mph down sheridan doesn’t exactly seem like an awesome idea to me.

the z is myn… and lemme tell u some fucken ass holes are d bags and wanna try drive around me and decide to cross the median on the oposing side to pass a car gets every one in trouble… some dumb kid in his red sentra… and orange ss ur a dumb ass cuz my parents help me non… i get into trouble i bail myself out… i pay for all my shit and thats why i work full time… maybe the other kids and i wont stick up for them but me i pay for my shit…

and the ss has a intake and yaaaa…

and it was a sherifff with the crazy raving blue and red lights… he was real cool to me… but he arrested the dumb ass in the red sentra and impounded the car…
his buddy told me he got a wreckless driving… 74 in a 45 … unsafe passing… and hahah a driving after nine ticket…


someone wrote in another post about racing a red sentra in the kill section

The one thing I’ve noticed with Cobalts is the young kids driving them like a bunch of a**holes, Especially on thruways, which I take to work. They try racing anything that looks fast and I saw an orange one (no I don’t think it was 05orangeSS) passing people on the shoulder and all I could say was wtf.

I’m not hating the car, I think they’re great. It just seems like they’ve been appealing to the young aggressive driver. It seems that when they have an SS badge they think they’re king of the road. I already put one it its place on the thruway, I’m pretty sure it was stock (would love to run a modded one just to see where my car lies).

anywho thats my take on it

I agree. It’s the 16 year olds that think it’s a corvette. Maybe GM should have never made that commercial with the Corvette and Cobalt playing around with eachother. Some people took it for real :lol:

might be steping on some toes here in this community but fwd is equal to a limp penis for me

leave the fwd open diffs for mammas trecel

hats off to the lsd buyers at least on the ss

They should make a sequel to that commercial, a more realistic one, where the vette pulls the living shit out of the Cobalt.

for the love of god find me a LSD… oh wait i can’t spin the tires…

I have to figure out a way to keep my tires from spinning all the way through 3rd.

how does a stock cobalt SS spin the tires through 3rd when your trying to get traction? I can’t even spin the tires in the SHO well maybe a litle from 30-45 but thats it. or is your cobalt not stock. if it is explain if it isn’t disreguard.

how does a stock cobalt SS spin the tires through 3rd when your trying to get traction? I can’t even spin the tires in the SHO well maybe a litle from 30-45 but thats it. or is your cobalt not stock. if it is explain if it isn’t disreguard.[/QUOTE]

His cobalt has more mods than mine does, meth kit, 2.5pulley exhaust. I can spin the tires pretty much all through 2nd…so I could see how he could go into 3rd doing it…even more so because of his open dif(lol you should just buy my car joe…you won’t have that open dif problem)

Not stock… plus I dont have LSD. I wouldn’t say i’m heavily modded but I have a average amount. Like Chris said I have a couple more mods than him