Witnessed two (2) auto accidents yesterday

All within 2 minutes of eachother.

On the 90, westbound, about 500 feet before the camp road offramp, a vehicle launched off the road for some reason. I missed why, but i saw a huge dirt cloud as the vehicle buried itself into an embankment. It may have been serious. Lots of people stopped and were running over to the scene. This occured in the eastbound lane. It was just after the camp road entrance ramp, so i have to imagine that someone merged into someone blindly, or there was some swerving to avoid someone merging and the vehicle lost control and plowed into the center embankment.

Second, not more than 2 minutes later at the camp road tolls, some guy decided he didn’t want to get on the thruway, so he busted a U-turn… Well, he didn’t see the guy coming up on his left, so he was T-boned. everyone got out of their vehicles immediately, but the guy making the U turn was hit pretty good in the passenger door.

Needless to say, i drove very carefully on my way home from the body shop.

Well thank goodness the star of newmanspeed.com wasn’t hurt :slight_smile:


Needless to say, i drove very carefully on my way home from the body shop.


So what you’re saying is you saw the irony of wrecking on your way back from the body shop huh?

There did seem to be a higher percentage of idiots than normal last night. I was going down river rd in Tonawanda @35, with the boat in tow, and some dumb bitch WALKED right out in front of me. Thank god the Expedition brakes are overkill because with the boat pushing me it was a close call.

Then on the 290 on the way home I had a guy almost change lanes right into the boat. I’m in the passing lane, going 70 by a line of cars, and I guess once he saw the back bumper of the truck go by he figured he was safe to pull out. Last second he realized the trailer was there and snapped back into his lane. I would have beat him to death with the trailer tire iron had he fucked up my boat.