WNy Neons

im not sure if this is where this belongs but ill post it here anyway


if you own a neon check it out

site looks great :tup:

oof. Exceeded xfer limit. Pwnt

edit: if its geocities it probably sucked anyway…

wow that is really gay i had no idea they did that if too many people were visting your site , ohh wells i guess thats what you get for FREE

not much of a loss…

Haha wnyneons… wny neons… whiney neons… :cry:

So it’s a website that consists of pics of 3 neons and a few links? You say to go to the membership page to join, but there is no membership page.

What’d you spend, a solid half hour on this? :roll2: I’d say that it looks half-assed, but it looks more like you used your whole ass.



i read the title as wHyneons…

i saw it a few times before i saw it as wNy
not sure why :slight_smile:

i thought it was awesome. it has 31 hits already!!!

xflashxscix or whatever, would you make me one? i don’t know how to do it. i’m not good at computers. can you do one for VW’s? whatever looks good. i don’t care what you put on there. if it’s good, maybe i could paypal you a few bucks.

DEX there is already a WNY euro’s site.

not like that. or at least i’m not aware of it. that’s bad ass. what site are you referring to?

wow , guys simmer down , it is a site that i made in 10 minutes, i need to get the flaws out , i just threw it together so it was up there… holly crap calm down

Textbook ricers, and I even like neons. :frowning:

Dah, maybe you should have finished it before you introduced it? :gotme:

I just try to not worry about the shit that disappears…

EDIT: Wow. How the fuck did this post wind up in this thread? Apparently I suck at the intarweb.

does this mean you won’t do one for me?

:shoot: i piss on your rice… there is no rice on my car thank you

no i spend alot of time and effort on my car, and take time in what i am doing , i am not some kid who thinks throwing a fartcan on my car will make me cool , i have alot done to the engine and interior of my car . and i am proud of it all , like i said i hate ricer

ohh and i really dont care what you think .,. …

i posted for neon owner and for anyone one that cared … obv. you dont so :cjerk:

So what do you have done to said neon while on that topic?

Must be you’re Tom?

I bet the car is slower than stock, with those MASSIVELY oversized injectors. Stock is 17lb/hr. You have 38lb/hr and mods that would make maybe 20hp combined.