WNY SCCA Solo Event 4 - 7/12 - Seneca Army Depot

did anyone catch my super drift at the turn around after the p turn? It was awesome my car was like this / for the whole turn and for some reason I managed to keep it going lol

nah, i never worked where i had to walk that far away :stuck_out_tongue:

far too lazy

good times, just wish I could have made a clean run. My car is covered with cone scuffs.

thats good you got Jose going, what ended up doing it?

I’m pretty sure the flr event is an OOR for us

Well, had he told me that he filled his air-to-water intercooler with antifreeze, I would have known that his plugs were screwed. We ended up getting new spark plugs and fired it up, let it run for a little bit to burn off all the coolant, and then he was good to go.

i really thought his car was going to explode… there must have been so much fuel in that engine by the time it fired up lol.

When we left to get new plugs, we left the old ones out to try and air it out, so it wasn’t so bad.

Thanks Jim.

The joys of research and development… everthing on that new setup is home made… since no one makes a supercharger kit that powerful for that car yet.

Live and learn… I knew it had to be the plugs… but had no technical knowledge why… everytime we played with them the would sort of work… till they got fouled with fuel again. I learned later today that the coolant chemicals created some sort of resistive conductive coating and the spark charge was getting routed improperly around the plug…

thanks Jim for posting results. http://forums.wny-scca.com/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=102 :slight_smile:

Small world…I was just down at Innovative MotorWorks a few weeks ago. :beer:

Jose - is that me driving your car at Xerox in your sig?

Oh yeah!

Great driving marnie! If i didn’t cone away my fastest run I would’ve been 2nd behind you :stuck_out_tongue: