WNY SCCA Solo Event 4 - 7/12 - Seneca Army Depot

SEAD - Seneca Army Depot
Rt 96A, Romulus, NY
Map: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Main+Street+and+Wherle+Drive,+Williamsville,+NY&sll=42.961322,-78.722363&sspn=0.015232,0.043945&ie=UTF8&ll=42.742474,-76.864471&spn=0.122288,0.351562&z=12
Entrance is just south of Sampson State Park. Watch for Fire and Police Training sign.

Preregistration closes tonight: http://www.wny-scca.com/soloreg/

Come one, come all to the best site within 300 miles. Like bigger, faster, longer courses - then this is where you want to be!

Where did the results from previous events go?


I’ll be there :tup:

I want to be there… if I don’t have work. I need to give marnie some competition :stuck_out_tongue:

:frowning: no go for me.

wtf?! Fix your friggin’ car!

I iz out as well unfortunately, my mom says I can’t go

That’s not what she said to me last time I talked to her… :wink:

Seriously, Pete, you haven’t been to an event yet - what gives?


no jim, I have a car to drive (2 of my buddies just bought stis :slight_smile: ) but on sunday, I become “the godfather”.
Guess I can’t miss that.

looks like I’ll be there


sorry to those who are in my run group where I wasn’t able to take a picture of your car on course.

I just got home. Took us a while, but we got Jose’s car running finally and he drove home without an issue. Results will be delayed until I get the website back up.


So maybe I’m not Ken Block…

You’re not Dave Mirra either :smiley:

Awesome event today :tup:

I was loving the course! Even though all my clean fast runs were in the fun runs lol

We can’t all be Dave Mirra…that honor is set aside for a select few…

Pictures from fun runs: http://www.flickr.com/photos/marnie/sets/72157621238844653/

i hear ya man… i was a full second faster in fun runs. that’s two events in a row now :frowning:

not that surprising though, more time spent on the course you should be faster

edit: and since wny-scca.com is getting revamped agaaaaainnn, is the FLR event at seneca next weekend a WNY out of region ?