WNYFBody stolen...

i am remaining 100% NEUTRAL in this whole ordeal. i am torn between 2 groups of great friends that i choose not to take eithers’ side on. i am not denying, nor implying any truth to any statements made. of course there are 2 sides to every story. some things can be explained, some cant be. for jason to try to defend himself would be useless, because for anything he might say to defend himself (whether it be true or not), he’d have 1043593 people jumping right back at him. right now its getting rediculous. this is just a jnj bash-fest. everyone has seen this thread, and can have their opinion on it. we have competing shops loving this. they are obviously bumping this thread to keep the pain rolling. its not like some of his competition havent done shady acts towards him, im sure they wouldnt want that shared.

regardless…everyone has seen this, everyone can have their opinion…and i think there is nothing much left to say. it would be wise and considerate to lock this thread. no uses beating a dead horse