WNYFBody stolen...


but… shitty to hear it… sounds like you guys need a new forum

Back on topic .

I am still wondering how someone could think that deleting threads / PMs and taking over ownership of a site in that manner would not reflect badly on them
Or how much truth this all holds.
But I did steal his sig for the time being.
My civic was getting boring.

it doesn’t matter if what he says is about fbodies or not, IT’S OFF TOPIC.

This sums it up .

I break the rules, I am the one to blame, I have no car , I can not play the game.

wnyfbody.com takeover magic

so what does deleting my post accomplish??? while this is in off topic, if you see something you don’t like then just don’t read it. if it takes no offense and follows forum guidelines which it should seeing is how it’s OFF TOPIC. oh by the way, who bans people for not doing anything wrong? sweeeetttt duddeeeee. welcome to rx3.com



he’s posting in other threads :gotme:
:tdown: to this guy

J&J watches yet does nothing.

Well if that’s the case, then I guess everyone has their answer. Unless J&J decides to defend himself…

i am remaining 100% NEUTRAL in this whole ordeal. i am torn between 2 groups of great friends that i choose not to take eithers’ side on. i am not denying, nor implying any truth to any statements made. of course there are 2 sides to every story. some things can be explained, some cant be. for jason to try to defend himself would be useless, because for anything he might say to defend himself (whether it be true or not), he’d have 1043593 people jumping right back at him. right now its getting rediculous. this is just a jnj bash-fest. everyone has seen this thread, and can have their opinion on it. we have competing shops loving this. they are obviously bumping this thread to keep the pain rolling. its not like some of his competition havent done shady acts towards him, im sure they wouldnt want that shared.

regardless…everyone has seen this, everyone can have their opinion…and i think there is nothing much left to say. it would be wise and considerate to lock this thread. no uses beating a dead horse

I love it when I hear this competition nonsense , it isn’t true there’s no competition AT ALL . Jay is an asshole and that is it , and he acts like that to many other people and finally I am not the only one in the spotlight that thinks this .

Isin’t that cute. It’s J&J’s last friend. You really sound like your 100% neutral.:suckoff:

^ i thought he did sound pretty neutral, and he made some good points. :gotme:

I agree with a little bit of your post turbo. No matter what everyone will probably jump on jay. But in this case it sounds like its justified ? Unless of course all of these people are lying.

But I would like to hear his side of the story. :gotme: He can be a dick online but he has always helped me out in the past, even when he had nothing to gain from it. But it seems now alot of the stuff thats been going on behind the scenes is coming out, and I think for the sake of keep his integrity and the good name of his business he should offer some sort of explanation to all of this. Not to mention I have also heard that chucks car was not all built by jnj but done elsewhere. (which if true is LAME because every time chucks car is mentioned jnj is in there making some comment to remind everyone how its all his doing) However thats all speculation at this point I would like to hear his response before I draw my final conclusions.

hey faggot…u gona come race me for money or are u ALL TALK. i am neutral…but this is getting out of hand. whats has been said is said. do you actually expect jnj to get on here and attempt to defend himself?

edit: chucks car was entirely built by jnj. of course the procharger is bolt on…

its not about nay other shops

its about my PM gettiung read, changed delated.
and delated my post.
and using the site to have google adds, and sucth thats are funding JNJspeedshop, I think

And talking it over…

him saying to lock this thread, and IMO speaking for j&j… all i have heard thus far is how j&j fucked people over. :gotme:

so the turboss says “ooooo ok, its all been said, its ok now, j&j cant say anything because people will jump on him” — if j&j did what he did, of course people are going to jump on him. If its true, then thats some bull shit right thur. someone needs to check himself.

why not :gotme: it appears that all of his “friends” are no longer his friends for a reason… friends just don’t do that… something had to have happened.

Back on topic bitch!!!

I’ll race you when ever your ready pussy!!! Go suck off your boy you little fag!!!