WNYFBody stolen...

well i guess ill get my hands dirty so JNJ will stop calling me and im not jumping the bandwagon

ive had both a good and bad experience with him. Hes done things for me that made me anxious to do business with him again, gave me great deals good advice and also willingly done somthing out of his way to help me. Ive also offered his business to some of my friends.
On the other hands hes also done things that got me very irritated and made me wonder how he can run his business

Ive ordered plenty of parts off him , my headers, my valvetrain , even got me my bottle filled in which he went out of his way to deliver to my house free of cost. Ok that somthing he did that kinda made me go “ok he doesnt seem like such a bad guy”

Again…on the other hand for example on my header install i had the wrong y-pipe. I told him he got a call tag and supposidly sent them back. I waited well over 3 weeks for my y-pipe to come in. Ive called him time and again to c if it came in and i got some excuse. (its totally possible that his supplier may have had a problem).

buut that doesnt account for other business i tried to get from him. I asked him to help me install my cam, he said give him a call soo and so. Id call him and id never get an answer, even called him countless other times, got no answer. I seen him again asked him about installation and yet again i get un-answered calls. Also went through this with my headers…soo i man-ed up and did them myself.

even so ive offered his business to my friends. Then they would go through the same bs that i went through. It gets irritating when ur promised business and pull dumbshit like this…The best thing he coulda done was man up answer his phone and say “im sorry i cant do what i promised u and ill try to help at another time.”

but anyways im done with what i have to say. Im not jumping the bandwafgon , im not bashing jnj, im just offering my good/bad experiences with him.

Its good to learn what alot of u guys know that i didnt know or was blind to…