WNYFBody stolen...

Hey, I never said in this thread I have all the facts! I simply said to Turbo Ls he was wrong about how Jay built Chucks car from top to bottom<— which Jay in “FACT” didn’t. Just because I’m not in your little GANG doesn’t mean I dont know what is going on. Next time before you post something you dont know call me and get your “FACTs” straight.:cjerk:

I also know of times when Jay screwed Chuck over and times where he gave Chuck awesome deals. So I guess gettting screwed & getting awesome deals must equal it out.:gotme:

From an outsiders stand point, if all is true, this is some low down shady bullshit. If thats how your gonna do business, then I hope that the business goes the way of many “performance” shops that get into shaddy stuff, also similar to the fate of dinosaurs. I would like to hear from the horses mouth on why they felt the need to get into inforamation that was considered “private” by pretty much everyone, and why if they were so in the right was it kept secret for so long. This is the bullshit that keeps me out of most of the auto scene, and i just do my own thing, and enjoy cars in my own secluded way.

As much as I want to give him the benefit of the doubt, it is pretty shady that he’s been reading this thread and has not responded.

But my thoughts really don’t matter as I have no use for his services and am just here for entertainment purposes.


jkucz’s 1.5 car garage shop is now open for business…

thats funny no response from j&j but i allready have gotten pm’s here today from him askin why im trash talkin him a few pages back as if i was his friend

i was never his friend ever !!!

Where is Jimmy(slow84ta) on this subject? I would think he is in the same boat as Mark, being one of the founding fathers on wnyfbody. Has he been posting on wnyfbody about this?

i know a lot of fbod guys wanted this aired out sooner but they tried to work it out on wnyfbod, i see why if its gotten this bad it was pulled over here

sucks for you guys

i’ve been a member, and have recently started posting on there a little bit. i have no direct experiences with J&J to speak of, but this all sounds like a load of bullshit. i tend to take Mark’s side, because i’ve met Mark and a lot of the people who are backing up his cause, and I know all those people are good guys and wouldnt just be making this shit up. I think i’m done posting on WNYFbody for a while, and i’d like to see a new forum be created.

No one said JnJ built chuck’s car from top to bottom. Chuck has a built engine with a procharger and a 12bolt in the rear. Lets see, JnJ speced and built the motor. The procharger was bolted on by Chuck and mark, and the 12bolt was installed by JnJ and mark. And when people say he built chuck’s car, they are refering to the motor
But then again you are the one who has told people i have a fully built motor with nitrous back before i even had a cam, so you really are the guy who has the facts straight. :cjerk:

As for slow84ta, most of you know he lives in SC now, so he doesnt get a chance to get online as much. But im sure he will be responding to this when he gets online.

I have seen this happen first hand(deleted posts and pm’s). I was even in a case of one where he read my pm’s and this was verified by friends(close to JNJ). It just comes down to a moral issue.

This is not how a TRUE business is supposed to work. I understand most businesses will have their shady sides, but not like this. Especially when it comes to friends.

Just shows you what he needs to do for an extra buck. Very, Very sad in my opinion.

Nytrus1 * paul* has been very helpful with plenty of ppl as well as taking time out of his schedule to mess around with building up my intake situation hope all of this gets settled soon

HA That really Blows. Kinda what went on with NRSR.Com. Was doing REALLY well untill a select few screwed it up, and screwed ppl over.


Good Luck with the repairs on friendships and such amn. Sucks it happened this way.

J&J has been known to give great deals on a lot of parts. Willing to take a hit in profit for word of mouth, or even to cut you a break. I was/am going to use him for future purchases, because a lot of the shops that know you have no interest in their labor rates, will not cut you a deal on parts cause they want their $$ either way. My experience is that he can hook you up on some stuff.

My personal/business experience with J&J is extremely limited, and my stand here is completely neutral.

Paul (Nytrus1) is an awesome guy. Though my time with him is limited, it is a little more than I have spent with J&J. I honestly cannot say enough about Paul He is just an awesome guy, very straight forward, and extremely courteous. Unfortunately I sold my project before it got started, but thanks to him, I knew what I wanted.

As far as shop competition is concerned… flaming someone online with ridiculous accusations and also belittling someone with personal remarks is extremely unprofessional. Shop competition should happen at the track and on the street. Trash talk need not apply. Inexperienced customers, can, and usually are mislead by the trash talk and uneducated comments from the peanut gallery.

I can’t wait to hear what J&J has to say, and I hope for the sake of the community he does speak his mind. Leaving no stone unturned, and no doors closed. Take the gloves off J&J, speak your mind, make your peace.

There are still people here with faith in you… people willing to remain neutral. The bandwagon thing isn’t for everyone, but when you take a beating like this with no rebuttal, hard not to flow with the masses.


Are you fucking BLIND?! It seemed pretty black/white cut/dry to me that this wasn’t “flaming” but a statement of (chronological) factual events??? Not to mention the number of people who’ve confirmed these so-called “accusations.”

well i guess ill get my hands dirty so JNJ will stop calling me and im not jumping the bandwagon

ive had both a good and bad experience with him. Hes done things for me that made me anxious to do business with him again, gave me great deals good advice and also willingly done somthing out of his way to help me. Ive also offered his business to some of my friends.
On the other hands hes also done things that got me very irritated and made me wonder how he can run his business

Ive ordered plenty of parts off him , my headers, my valvetrain , even got me my bottle filled in which he went out of his way to deliver to my house free of cost. Ok that somthing he did that kinda made me go “ok he doesnt seem like such a bad guy”

Again…on the other hand for example on my header install i had the wrong y-pipe. I told him he got a call tag and supposidly sent them back. I waited well over 3 weeks for my y-pipe to come in. Ive called him time and again to c if it came in and i got some excuse. (its totally possible that his supplier may have had a problem).

buut that doesnt account for other business i tried to get from him. I asked him to help me install my cam, he said give him a call soo and so. Id call him and id never get an answer, even called him countless other times, got no answer. I seen him again asked him about installation and yet again i get un-answered calls. Also went through this with my headers…soo i man-ed up and did them myself.

even so ive offered his business to my friends. Then they would go through the same bs that i went through. It gets irritating when ur promised business and pull dumbshit like this…The best thing he coulda done was man up answer his phone and say “im sorry i cant do what i promised u and ill try to help at another time.”

but anyways im done with what i have to say. Im not jumping the bandwafgon , im not bashing jnj, im just offering my good/bad experiences with him.

Its good to learn what alot of u guys know that i didnt know or was blind to…

completely disagree. if you have two shops building your motor for you…

shop A estimates $2k, charges you $ 2k, keeps you updated, takes 2 months… and you run an 11.5…

shop B estimates $3k, charges $ 3800, does not keep you updated, and takes 1.5 years… and you run an 11.3…

which shop are you satisfied with? none of these are actual #'s by any means, but shop competition is not just a # that is run at the track…

and i would like to see J&J comment in this thread.

u guys waiting for jnj to speak are wasting ur time lol.

anything he says will just be taken as bs excuses & will be further picked apart by all the pissed off ppl.

this is why u should never have ppl who own a business(advertisers) as forum staff members… too easy to hide the dirt & massage the truth to make urself look good.

chalk it up as a lesson learned and GL w/ recovering the site/forum.

You guys completely missed the boat on this one. My statement was directly aimed at the non factual, made up bullshit from both sides. PERSONAL ATTACKS ARE IRRELEVANT WHEN IT COMES TO SHOP COMPETITION. This thread is not the only one out there where competition among shops is in the open… and shouldn’t be read as such. I also referenced the “Peanut Gallery”… i.e - People with no first hand experience in anything, who make efforts to dramatize the entire situation. I’m not backing up anyone or anything or any shop. I’m simply stating that going by 3rd and 4th hand observations, and also personal attacks is silly. Get the fucking facts straight, ignore the assholes and bandwagon fagets, and find the shop that best suits your needs. There are also a couple important characters who haven’t commented in this thread. Actually a large handful. Chuck’s car has been brought up a couple times, Bill’s car (he remains neutral) and a couple more I won’t bring up. J&J has yet to speak… there is more than meets the eye here. I think J&J is smart enough to completely ignore the people in this thread with nothing to add, people with no business interest in J&J, people not on or concerned with WNYFBODY, and people who do not know anything about anyone who is connected with anything of relevance in this thread.

badazzss - Not necessarily the times put up at the track, but how the car runs, how clean the install is, how long the build took… and so on. Same with on the street. If so-and-so doesn’t make it out until the end of the season… why? Get the fucking word from the horse’s mouth… not a friend of a friend who read it on the internet. I was basically saying the street/strip instead of the internet where there are 10 people uninvolved waiting for their opportunity to jump in on the action.

So again… with further clarification now…
“As far as shop competition is concerned… flaming someone online with ridiculous accusations and also belittling someone with personal remarks is extremely unprofessional. Shop competition should happen at the track and on the street. Trash talk need not apply. Inexperienced customers, can, and usually are mislead by the trash talk and uneducated comments from the peanut gallery.”

I hope that statement makes more sense.

BTW - Mark and crew - I’m not saying I’m against what you said or that it is lies… but you guys, of all people, know that there are 2, and sometimes 3 sides to every story. I like to get all my ducks in a row before I shoot them.

The neo-DSM driver makes a great point.

^^ did u like the message i left for u on ur valvecover or upper rad support in blue masking tape lol…i ran out of tape & space