WNYFBody stolen...

I don’t know much of anything about ANY of the people involved. I didn’t even know that “J+J” were two people or what it stood for. As far as WNYFbody goes, I have read some threads and posted there from time to time. So, I have no vested interest in any of this.

That said, I hate to see someone’s business get trashed without very specific examples. Just saying “so and so is an asshole” isn’t very productive, IMHO. So, I haven’t learned much from this thread.

If you actually read this thread you would see there was specific examples of how jay ran his business in a negative way. He promised things he couldn’t do, etc. and also if you have no interest in any of this than don’t post in this thread. what were you expecting to learn? Most people would say they learned not to do business with J n J because he lies and is shady and deceitful to his closest friends. :gotme:

wow… thats some crazyness right there. to have all those “close” friends turn on you like that, somthing REALLY shady musta been going on…


I don’t think I need your invitation to post in this thread? Anyway, that’s my point. I didn’t learn anything. You must be smarter than me to have gleaned anything specific from this thread.

Wow. This is quite a shock…to me at least. I know some shops that compete with J had some hate going on that was beyond friendly competition, but I had no idea there was so much behind it. Mark has always been straight with me and there seems to be a gang of people behind him supporting what happened, but as an outsider I’m still curious to hear what J has to say about all this.

as much as an outsider i am to all this. I was at a F-body meet at BWW on transit, and i had a chance to talk with Jay and Chuck for quite some time. They enlightened me, and answered all my noobish questions without any bashing. And welcomed me to come in. They were very professional and even answered my crazy hypothetical questions with crazy hypothetical answers that pleased me. So as little experience as i had, It was positive.

then why dont you give us the facts then because i would love to hear what you think.

On topic: i said everything i wanted about this on wnyfbody.

This whole thing could easily be solved by just moving the site from jnj’s hosting, and not having him have anything to do with running the site.

you didn’t learn because you didn’t read. In addition to specific examples, some of his closest friends have turned on him. what more of example do you need besides losing a friends loyalty?

Again, read…examples have been posted. Yes, she’s smarter than you then.

Since your post was worthless maybe you should need to have an invitation to post :lol: and you are right…I am smarter than you, anyone with a brain can figure out the importance of this thread…except you. but again…you have no interest so…

Edit: Lafengas you beat me to it :slight_smile:

Reading “Private” Messages in general is pretty much illegal. They are implyed to be “private” through thier name, no matter what the disclaimer says.

As far as JNJ goes, he was pretty straight with me when I needed some help with stuff this year, I can only speak from my experience.

Reading “private” messages is perfectly legal. He owns the site and can do as he pleases. What we have here is a moral issue. It’s about honesty and integrity. When you join a forum, you expect your private messages to be just that, private.

Butch… you’re always a beacon of civility amongst the tumultuous seas that are the forums.

Too add to what Butch so simply put, there are cetain instances where a mod/admin might need to intervene and read PMs (threats sent between individuals, illegal transactions that might threaten the board as a whole, etc.), But to delete threads and PMs in an attmept to keep competition down and draw customers in… that’s just wrong. Absolute power coruptes absolutely.

did he use wnfbody hoodie money to pay for his jackstands? :lol:

who is this toda fellow


Toda is a mythical creature.


now thats irony :stuck_out_tongue:

btw nyspeed welcomes all fbody users to post here, we enjoy your techinical discussions as well and so long as they are in gen auto or motorsports if anyone posts fbod hate they get the banstick

but in ot they can flame away

stuu feww n00b