WNYFBody stolen...

stop the name calling turbo , just run and stop talking then , I know he will do it , from a dig of course .

do I have to start a new post ? jees .

mike i think 2stroke has brainwashed you. did he put u up to this? has he…?

u see what im dealing with talking to you guys.

i will continue for as long as your buddy keeps it up. when i get gears, i will take it to the track. and i will get gears

As true as this may be, there are quite a few people who have been talking about him and his shady practices for a while now. I also would have a really hard time believing that mark would WANT to come up with something like this and ruin Jay’s reputation.

Don’t make me start banning more people.

Keep it Civil. Stay on topic. Take that other stuff to PMs. Last warning.

2 Stroke, turbols1, chill please.

okay im done with this thread…i dont feel like getting banned.

i was trying to keep this civil while attending to 2stroka on the side…but its a losing battle…

continue :roll2:

When you say competing shops and shady acts I hope you don’t mean me because i posted in this thread…to my knowledge I have done nothing to Jay.

I think I have met both Mark and Jason (I think that’s his name). Maybe only one time though. Don’t really remember much about either of them.

But god damn, there is a lot of hate going on. I think I’m going to go in the den and punch my sister.

I’m just kidding, I don’t have a sister. Nor do I have a den.

As long as the 2 stroka stuff is kept to the side (i.e out of this thread), there shouldn’t be a problem. :tup:

lol, you edited this because you posted immediately after me…and you just banned me the other day :lol:

no i wasnt talking about you. nor innovative. mainly any f-body related business/shop/organization/group. as we all know, the name of the game is competition, whether it be in the street or the office. as much as we all would like to try to work together, most of us come to realize that doesnt always happen in the real world. i am not blaming, accusing, etc any of these shops cuz noones an angle, no one is completely innocent. afterall, it is competition.

i know i said i was done in this thread, but i didnt want people to think i was putting their shops down

JnJ treated me very poorly when I was a potential customer a few years ago.

big :tdown: to this guy.

that’s bad.

lol I went to wnyGTO.org and guess who the newest member is.

""Western New York GTO Statistics http://www.wnygto.org/images/kirsch/misc/stats.gifThreads: 15, Posts: 56, Members: 17, Active Members: 17
Welcome to our newest member, J&J Speed Shop


re: ownership of the domain / website:

it’s probably been mentioned, but you can complain to the domain registrar that it was stolen. provided you have receipt of payment it should be EASY as heck… even if not, they can look up the records, if you invalidate the changes he made (illegally) to the WHOIS info, it’s still yours. PM me if you need help dealing with it (make sure you look up who your registrar is aka network solutions, godaddy etc) - this is what I do for a living among other things.

:tdown: to domain theft, even if J&J is innocent of the other items mentioned, I would (do things that mentioning might get me banned from NYSPEED cuz of the anti-threat rule) them for it :wink:

The resolution should be that Mark gets the site back and JnJ is no longer affiliated with it. That is the only way to make this right and for JnJ to save a little face.

The site actually belongs to slow84ta & Jeremynr, & mark & jnj helped run it b/c of the time & expertise requiered, especially after the site blew up w/so many members

i vote for nyfbody.com :tup:

As long as it goes back to whomever rightfully owns it.

Yea i delt with JJ a few times in the past he’s very 2 faced… Ive delt with paul a number of times… a million times a better person than JJ, Guess someone on the z28 forums should post somthing about this too. JandJackstands 2 car garage…

While I can understand not wanting to waste time by showing up to your own hanging, it looks like these accusations (whether they are true or false) will result in J&J losing a ton of business. If I were him I would have come screaming into this thread with the gloves off.

I would really like to hear his side of things. If the internet has taught me anything, it’s that there are two sides to every story.