WNYFBody stolen...

I be fair, I just looked up my “8/20 rochester meet” post. And that 11:43 posting it I made. Didnt get delated (the one I screen shoted), And its still Up. But I was get delated before that time, and I asking what if I was doing somthing wrong?


[email=“Mods%20or%20whoever…?%20Pleasuse%20don%27t%20delete%20this%20post,%20if%20Im%20braeaking%20any%20rules%20let%20me%20know.%20I%20don%27t%20know%20why/who/what%20but%20my%20post%20seam%20to%20be%20getting%20delated%20latly?”]Mods or whoever…? Pleasuse don’t delete this post, if Im braeaking any rules let me know. I don’t know why/who/what but my post seam to be getting delated latly?

Talking to slow84TA (jim) And he replaied right after in the thread “Somone did, and its beeing taking care of”

So I guess “someone” didnt delate it knowing the snky snky delating it was not gona happen after that.