WNYFBody stolen...

lol I already told you guys I would give you free hosting and you guys can do whatever with it…

huh ?

Someone just make a new site, ban JNJ from signing up and no one do business with him. We’ll all be better off.

MUTINY!!! i think everyone on that site should pm the shit outta that assclown tellin him how they feel about his bullshit he pulled, I for one would never want to do busniess with someone like that.

subscribed, id like to see him get what he deserves…

I be fair, I just looked up my “8/20 rochester meet” post. And that 11:43 posting it I made. Didnt get delated (the one I screen shoted), And its still Up. But I was get delated before that time, and I asking what if I was doing somthing wrong?


[email=“Mods%20or%20whoever…?%20Pleasuse%20don%27t%20delete%20this%20post,%20if%20Im%20braeaking%20any%20rules%20let%20me%20know.%20I%20don%27t%20know%20why/who/what%20but%20my%20post%20seam%20to%20be%20getting%20delated%20latly?”]Mods or whoever…? Pleasuse don’t delete this post, if Im braeaking any rules let me know. I don’t know why/who/what but my post seam to be getting delated latly?

Talking to slow84TA (jim) And he replaied right after in the thread “Somone did, and its beeing taking care of”

So I guess “someone” didnt delate it knowing the snky snky delating it was not gona happen after that.

people don’t get business from the internet huh? I don’t get it :gotme:

wonder how people found out about my detailing …

and :tdown: to this news

What is the delate you speak of?

On the topic of the thread, what a scumbag.

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Who owns the domain name? I’m assuming it isn’t J&J.

I will give u a review of my experience with it.

I got fucked by this tool.

It always lets you down, can never hold up its end.

Others have tried it and shit has crashed down on them too.

It was cheap, and it performs like it.

The Label claimed something it couldn’t do.

I wouldn’t trust my car with this TOOL.

Wow…That actually explains a few things. :tdown:. What a douche bag asshole. Mark/Jim, sorry to hear this. I know how much you guys loved running that forum. I hope someone gives him an almighty kick in the junk.

hahahaa awesome. Its a real life photoshop!

oh man. Trying to be PC

Not today kiddies. There’s already a thread on this subject. Put your $.02 in there and keep it civil.


WOW!!! Finally, everyone else can see what an asshole that piece of shit is. Obviously I’m not the only one who has known that for awhile. You guy’s should see his bullshit on www.ls1tech.com . He makes beleive to be a “big time shop”. He deleted every post/pm that had anything to do with Paul (nytrus1) or Mike from New Era because he know’s that both of those guy’s are a thousand time’s smarter than him and a million times more honest. I’m glad he’s finnally getting his!!!

OK J&J, you are viewing this thread. Time to answer!

Currently Active Users Viewing This Thread: 24 (24 members and 0 guests)
JUICEDSS, altimarollin, J&J, JaysGreenLX, nytrus1, brendansi, badazzss, whitenblue, mike72678, 2strokeracer, psychopjv, BaD AZz Z/28, The_Russian, MXS, Carnut, nitroinsane, AutumnMarie, FormulaLS1, Dr.Stevil, Studderin, tnick24, JoesTypeS

JnJ does now.

Jim owned it. I was added as administrator. JnJ had the customer number from way back when the site was first transfered to his hosting. He must have guessed the password., it was very simple. it wasnt mine to choose or change, so he took advantage of our trust.

I dont know of the arrangement he has with jim or jeremy now, but I had their full support during his take over. Due to conflicting schedules and communication problems, this took too long to come to light.

WNYFbody.org :bday:

Man, that is so shitty…

Yeah the floor is youres man up, own up …the truth will set you free…

He’s got nothing to say. And if he does it won’t be true anyway. Everything Mark said is true plus a WHOLE lot more!!!