WNYFBody stolen...

good call

is paul or mike un banned yet?
Did JnJ send them a aploigy letter yet?

was all my post hard delated, or were they in the mod dumpster or whatever?

are the google adds gone?
and were did that money go to?

is JnJ on his Honeymoon???

For Fucks sake let this shit die already!!!

i hate cliff hangers.

there was no sponser money… the sponsers were friends. hell i was asked if i wanted my fathers business as a sponser (absolutely no money involved) just for the hell of it. i believe jnj payed for the software for the board, i dunno who exactly paid the hosting, im assuming jnj, jeremy, and jim. rochester guys u need to RELAX and quit bumping this thread, we know what ur doing. as i said several times, the board is already being taken care of. RELAX

Bunch of crybabies in this thread…the ones who should be upset have stated their opinions like 7 pages ago…go buy some kleenex and take your tears elsewhere.

Well I figured since everyone is so apt to post accusations lately that I would post some of my own. If noone could figure out why Studderin, 2strokeracer, and Mike72678 were bumping the WNYFbody thread like crazy here is why:

  • Mike72678 = Mike Frumusa owner of http://www.neweraperformanceparts.com
  • Studderin = one of Mike’s employees
  • 2strokeracer = one of Mike’s customers/employees
  • BLKUUS-6 = Matt P. sales at New Era Performance parts
    In total Mike made 13 posts in the thread, 2strokeracer 5 post and probably another 5 that were deleted, and Studderin made 12 posts. ( I wonder why )

Mike at New Era Performance Parts went out of his way to try to stick it to me without any provokation. He contacted both ATI/Procharger and also AirFlowResearch Cylinder Heads to try to screw me over. The main point of everything is he isn’t even a dealer for AFR or Procharger. He just made some calls because he was bored and had nothing better to do with his life.
I was contacted by both AFR & Procharger about the call made from New Era Performance Parts. In the end both sales managers decided you were a joke and the call was very childish considering you don’t sell their products, never were a dealer, and weren’t interested in becoming one. In the end Mike AFR & Procharger are going to stick with someone who sells their products and orders 1000s of dollars of it, not someone who calls bitching on the phone to try to cut competition or make it hard for another shop. You don’t see me making calls to STS turbo systems about your ebay auctions or claiming you are undercutting everyone. Why? because I don’t give a shit about you or your business. You being in Rochester working on LS1 engines doesn’t bother me in the least bit.

Here is an IM convo with BLKUUS-6 (AIM SN TiTAnPaVZ3) pretending to be a customer:

removed per request of other user in convo.

Convo removed per request of parties involved of convo.

Convo removed per request of parties involved of convo.


Mike correct me but I have never posted anything derogatory about your business? So are you up to your childish games once again? You however seem to post derogatory stuff about other local businesses when in fact they aren’t even true. Case in point:


Mike sorry to rain on your parade but you last engine was correctly built. However not even a performance engine can survive major detonation for an extended period of time. Detonation was evident on the tops of the pistons.

I really wasn’t going to post this ever, but you and your cohorts decided to drag my name through the mud. Jesse aka Mr. Muscle 5.0 told me to…

As the parts pertaining to my post were deleted, I’m going to edit my post :slight_smile:

J&J, You’re a scumbag!

yeah yeah “'there was no sponsor money, hes not still an admin, threads werent deleted, and slaters engine build didnt take 29 months… '”

turbo, we have no idea if there was sponsor money, so stop backing him up. everything else from him was a lie, we didnt even know that there WERE other sponsors until it happened. And the google ads part was all him for him. He did this, let him deal with it.

Complete BULLSHIT right there. I will let Firehawk853 explain why

Threads are now merged.

mark i am not backing him up. im not refuting what you said. im just saying i was offered to have my dad be a sponser…so thats what i know.

the main reason i made that post is cuz im sick of the new era guys repeating themselves when they’ve already been CLEARLY ANSWERED just for the sake of bumping the thread

There were so many more posts there that were deleted about things that you were saying to me , but I don’t even care about who else knows about it . All I need to know is that I read them and saw what you were saying to me which is why I felt the way I did about you , and after reading this shit and Mark telling me the story , I realized what type of person you really are . Don’t worry about my car , I sure as hell aint worried about yours , You have no idea what happened with that scenario , trust me , I have already gotten some of my money back from him . I don’t know if you noticed this , but you basically plugged my business by putting up a link , and then just made it so that the guy that messed up my engine has more people now knowing that he messed up my engine , what are you doing ? Jay , I think your ego is now getting in the way of your intelligence , you are supposed to learn from your mistakes , not act like you don’t make any and ignore them .

For the record , 2strokeracer and studderin are not on my payroll . I am a procharger dealer , I don’t care about AFR and never did , I called Procharger but obviously someone else out there has an issue with you as well because I did not call AFR .

Back on topic chief .

rotten mother fuck you post a conversation that is a year old and to try and take heat off your own back. i will be compleatly honest you blinded me with bullshit at a time i was pissed at my old boss.

for all that know me esp the ones from that shop. I am sorry for being a bitch and runing my mouth.

the reasons i was pissed at them have been cleared up and fixed what that was till this shit was posted.

again i am sorry for those i have let down…

Now that is a good example of how to handle a mistake.

J&J, :tup: to clearly showing how U fuck people that have been friends and supported U.
And U call others Turncoat? LOL

what I see when I log in to Wnyfbody

:lol: :hay: :noob:

That just sucks for both parties involved.

I list point after point of your shady dealings, you blatantly lie about the PMs and posts, are too scared to own up to your actions, try to deflect blame onto the rochester guys, and then come at me with that weak noise. get real. your plan didnt work because your ego was always been ahead of your brain. you cant ride the badazz train anymore, and that means everyone who has been shit on by you is going to let you know about it.