WNYFBody stolen...

i have no clue about what happened with the board, I am a member but hardly frequent it. I can undertand why some people may be upset but I think the whole internet forum thing way too seriously.

I never had an issue with Jay he has always been straight with me. :gotme:

It is indeed also stated in the user agreement when you sign up.

Or… did you not read that…

I know first hand the frustrations both sides have had, and the real reasons behind why this has come to a head. it was inevitable given the personalities of those involved. Sorry to say but this is probably the only way. Neither side has budged an inch in the past six months and it has made things much worse. Oh well right, and in the end who really cares? Parts will still be sold, cars will still be fast. I guess it comes down to who can hold a grudge longer, and who can come up with the next best thing to piss the other off. :bloated:

That is the argument of many when this comes up… but technically they are called “Private” messages, which implies that they are private.

I am not saying that this is a cut and dry illegal thing, walter… what I am saying is this is a grey area that could without a doubt be open to some interperetation of the law if someone really wanted to go for it (unlikely).

I think it is unethical, even if it is in your TOS, seeing as its common knowledge that 98% of your members will never read that, and I’m sure howie never read the one on my site that told him by clicking OK, he signs over all of his personal assets to me. :stuck_out_tongue:

The snippet in the TOS was only added after I originally said something about this… which actually presents a whole other issue dealing with the Electronic Communications Act.

If you have not informed your users as part of creating their account or revalidating their account if you are changing policies, then you are in violation of federal law and subject to imprisonment as a Class B felony, fines of up to $5000 per occurance, confiscation of the server even if it isn’t your property because it was used in commision of a felony (take notice those who run hosting services) and civil litigation by individual users.

If I were ever to start reading “PM’s” on my site, I would without a doubt change the name of them throughout the entire forum, to something that didn’t imply privacy.

Many things are going to be questioned and decided by courts of law on the “unregulated” internet, especially in the next few years. Invasion of Privacy is a big one… another is accessiblity. A disabled person WILL win a lawsuit againsts a web site or a company behind a web site for not providing that disabled person (or anyone with a given disability) with an accessible web site. Its already been ruled (last week) that a disabled person has the right to sue for this, its only a matter of time until it happens.

Imagine that… you’re telling me I own a domain, I rent web space, I put up a website for my company and I get sued because I didnt code it or design it the right way… sheesh.

Anyway… this is offtopic, in offtopic. This is dozr… signing off.

oh snap…Battle of the Mullets

Almost there :wink:

waiiit foooorrrr iiiitttt.

Wow… E-lynchmob…
I’m staying neutral… He has never screwed me over, and always helped if I needed it. I’ve never really had anything bad to say once I got to know him…

I will say however that compared to some of the ubrf FMF drama threads this is one of the ugliest threads I’ve EVER seen… There isn’t a flame suit available that could fend off this shit…

Oh! And just one more thing… Studderin… There is no A in Deleted… or in Replied… not being a dick, I just noticed that you mis-typed it 4 times in a row and thought you could use the help :tup:

couldnt have said it better myself



On topic here , why not return the site to it’s rightful owners ? I don’t understand that ? Or post your evidence why it should belong to Jay now . State why you deleted/altered peoples posts/pms and if you know it was wrong or why you feel it was not wrong , then man-up and end the bullshit instead of destroying an online environment for local fbody guys .

mike, the situation has already been resolved and has been worked out on wnyfbody. im not talking about the whole badazz/jnj/others ordeal, but the website is staying, but the hosting and moderating/admin setup is changing.

Good , great to here something is being resolved and hopefully FIXED . It would be nice to not be banned from there anymore if everything is under new management .

^try and keep us updated.

I think You guys as well as some others have missed the point. This J&J “problem” has been aired out at this time to This community precisely because there has been NO resolution to the crap he has done in the past and continues to do. This has tried to be resolved privately for months now behind the scenes with zero results and instead met with continued abuses and complete arrogance on his part.

This is not about 2 sides arguing over shit, but about ONE person who has lied, cheated, and abused his power on a forum he subsequently stole. His actions have been seen and confirmed by many individuals from many different sides of this community. This is not some random gripe, or a grudge.
I was friends with Jay before, and we have helped each other out in the past. Personally, I didn’t have a problem with him, until he started to screw with my pm’s and posts, and after being told by several people to cut it out, he still persisted.

All his negative actions can be boiled down to one thing, an abuse of TRUST.
Trust that his friends had in him not to get lied to, cheated or otherwise screwed, trust his customers had in him to get service in a timely fashion and not get bullshitted, trust his competitors had that he play fair, trust that forum members would not have their pm’s read and deleted, and so on.

I think it is commendable his friends are speaking up for him, but when he has negatively affected this many people, they need to let him man up and speak for himself and not hide behind their friendship and goodwill. He needs to either explain his actions, or at the least apologize, and give the site and Domain Name back to the rightful owners.

Very well explained Paul. On the pm issue, I agree a mod/admin needs to monitor for site security purposes, but for PERSONAL GAIN OVER A COMPETITOR.
Put aside the PM issue, is it Acceptable adult behavior to delete posts that u don’t agree with, acceptable to delete posts by someone u DON’T LIKE!
I thought this was the UNITED STATES of AMERICA, not Cuba or China.

Paul, I’m not missing any points here, I know just as much about what has gone on as you do, probably more. I have nothing to offer in what has turned into a ‘see who can piss the other off more’ fest. Its all falls back on what happened between those two and nothing else.

There are maybe half dozen people who would even have anything meaningful to say here. They’ve said their piece and that’s it. Everything else is meanial is only a function of people crying because their pussy was hurt at some point or another (Rochester). Sorry.


& Jeev, your right your car is a bone stock T/A motor with only a cam :cjerk: that was built on a Tuesday, from the factory.

dude, OT, but yes, jeeves engine has only a cam (with supporting springs). ill put $1000 on it, and tear down his engine myself, then rebuild it to prove it to ur stubborn ass, as well as the rest of the guys who cant accept they got smoked by a cam only car.

as far as chucks build, if u wana get in a pissing match about shit u DONT KNOW ABOUT, be my guest, ill be here all day. whats built on the car was done by jason. yes there is other stuff bolted on (rear, procharger), but thats not implied in what i meant, and most people with half a brain can figure that one out

hi, im here for the gang bang?

seriously… me and j have had some forum drama as of late cuz he was always hating on me because i asked him to quote me onbuilding my motor, and then i just did it myself, then he started flaming me on the boards (it went back and forth with me making jackstand comments in jest and him flaming back) but then it started to spill over into real life when he was giving me shit cuz i was doing all my business with innovative tuning, so then i just shut him off…

if this turned into a flame session, i guess that’s too bad; because how you treat people will always come back to you tenfold… i don’t know personally who else REALLY was screwed over in some way by JnJ, BUT, i don’t think that the information should go unshared. i wouldn’t want anyone else to have to deal with the situation that I had to for years. i never made a flame thread, and i think i’ve been damn reasonable - but when so many have an opinion on one person/biz, it obviously turns bad.

if you’re going to run a biz, then DO IT RIGHT. if you’re going to pretend to be buddies with someone, then BE A FRIEND. if you help 5 people out with a nice gesture, then screw 5 people, that’s not a well run business, it’s not being a good person, and it sure as hell isn’t being a good “friend”.

as far as the being friends for years part, JnJ and Mark were that when i met JnJ, but the friendship deteriorated based on the past and ongoing events. part of it was b/c i (and maybe others) was getting taken advantage of, part was b/c help and expertise was asked for but not provided, part was b/c they weren’t going in the same direction, and part was the mashing of egos together. BUT, no one should be defending JnJ EXCEPT HIMSELF. it is no one else’s fault that people have negative opinions except him.