
Well Jeg…I dont think I have ever met you but you are indeed a rare individual :slight_smile:

logos in the process of being changed thanks to one hell of a good idea from fuzzy :tup:

it kept saying i was typing in the wrong conformation code…

just make a name for me if you have time as Twizted


Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmm guys?



that site has long been gone. got hacked, and abandoned

i like the rip-off of the ubrf slogan.

this no longer exists its NickelcityEuro.com now thank you

dex covered that already :stuck_out_tongue:

i came up with the slogan, and i have no idea what UBRF’s slogan is (not even on there) so if its similar, it was by chance. i also made a new logo that is not partail to any manufacturer, im just trying to figure out how to change it from the admin cp

wny premier automotive forum…

no way you would come up with a word like premier on your own…

im not as un-sophisticated as i sometimes seem lol. i was actually more worried about NOT ripping off NYSpeed

I signed up :tup:


Is it really that hard to login to the FTP and overwrite the file until you guys figure it out. I even gave importmuscle the exact info as to where it was located, and he found it, but he couldn’t save a proper gif file due to the lack of anything beside MSpaint.

I also gave him a spiffy logo idea which wouldn’t alienate anyone in the truck crowd, like the existing one does.

You are sooooo un-leet. :wink:


General truck site vs. Off-road site

why make a big stink about wanting this section, then get the section, and then go make a new forum anyways?


Same reason the Fbod, Mustang, VW and sport bike people are here.

NYspeed is bigger and a melting pot to pull more resources from. But on a local front if I am looking for specific truck tech or sales for parts and stuff I want a specific forum for that and not have to weed through all the posts in general classifieds in hopes of finding something for my truck.

I doubt you will find anyone running over there and not posting on here in the Mud Section…but there are people who x-post and it will be for the better of both forums.

Basic idea and site itself have been in development for far longer than the big rigs section was asked for. Weve been testing waters on sites such as dakota forums, s-10 forums, ranger forums, wnyfbody, etc. Reason why we didnt come out right away on Nyspeed and UBRF is because we wanted to gauge interest before we actually came out publicly with the site. No sense in us saying “come over and look at our failure of a site!” because that would start drama, and we all know how nyspeed hates drama :rofl:


:tup: couldnt have said it better myself.

And twizted, check your PM’s, youll have an account by six, PM me here if you got any problems.

And we got a new logo being processed as we speak, A politically (or automotively?) correct logo. :stuck_out_tongue:

NTM- one of our first members (laynlow03xtreme) has a vinyl cutter and offered to make us logos and stickers for the site AT COST :tup:

dont worry, so as to not single you out…, well make a section specifically for the volkswagens :stuck_out_tongue: