Wolfenstein The Next Game Movie?

"CVG reports that “id expects the adaptation to incorporate story elements from (sic) both Return to Castle Wolfenstein and the recently announced upcoming Wolfenstein installment (sic).” That’s a fairly colorful palate to paint from. So, it’s hard to say what the movie will be about exactly.

We’ll have to wait for reviews, and maybe even go see it.

I checked on the horror movie entertainment site, bloody disgusting, and found a listing for it. They say it’s coming out in 2007. And two people had already rated it for us. They gave it three stars."


Now this could make a great movie, hope it doesnt get fucked up.

yeah…like Doom

The problem with movies like these that originate from a game, the game director needs to have first say on EVERYTHING to make it authentic and not take a shit on what the game has done. Everything from Dungeons and Dragons to (a lesser degree) Resident Evil and now to Doom, they have screwed the pooch. Oh well… I will definitely go see it.

Watch they’ll change to plot to make it less offensive, and just refer to the enemy as the “cult” or something. And instead of robo-hitler, it will mutant or something at the end with some DNA tampering here and there. Just like every game turned movie. :stuck_out_tongue:

hard to say what the movie will be about exactly.

How could it not be about killing nazi’s that was the whole point to the original game it’s not like there was a plot…