Women Driver FTMFL ***EX-500 Crash Content**

Today was a bad day…I had just rewired my stator on my ex500…I was out around the block for a test drive. I came up a hill and this old cunt was by her mail box on the wrong side of the road…I approached with caution then just as i get like 50 ft from her she decided to turn hard right into her driveway with out signaling…I t-boned her :Idiots:retardclap

The bike is effed but im just happy I walked away with only minor injuries(road rash, and a sore neck from headbutting the car)

fuck old cunt drivers…fuck toyota prius…fuck salt!:banghead

good excuse to go streetfighter:ninja

I would have went apeshit on that old bitch. It’s not hard to look in your mirror before making a move…

Glad you are OK though.

Glad you’re O.K.
But that fuckin sucks!!

fucking fail old whore, shouldve mushroom stamped the bitch she was dumb as fuck


Glad you’re alright.

I see you listed road rash, so presumably you were about as covered in gear as the naked cowboy is, so maybe this will teach you to invest into it.

As far as street fighter goes, to for it! My brother did that with his 250 after the accident and it looks great.

thanks…yea I have all nice protective gear but I was working on the bike and just took out for a 1/2 mile spin to test it out…in a tshirt no gloves:Idiots

god damn prius drivers

I knew He was going to mention the all gear all the time thing… and I knew u were going to say ^

Glad you ok too many, did you go over the roof of the old lady or just plow the side?

Sorry to hear that but glad you are ok.

Man that blows! It looks like the dumb bitch is smiling in the first pic too! Prius are gay


yea i plowed into the side of the car with my shoulder/head and the rear of the bike sandwiched me into the car…all i could think about the whole time was about how messed up my bike was lolz…but im def glad I didnt get messed up worse, a lil road rash and a sprained ankle isnt anything compared to broken bones

yea she was smiling…she thought the whole thing was exciting…dumb bitch:Idiots

I would have shown her how exciting getting punched in the face was. Thats fucked up that she thought it was funny to hurt someone, fucking cunt.

I had a lady almost it me, becasue I wanted to take a right, and started into the merging lane, and she was ripping down the shoulder to take a right too. I looked right at her when I was nexto her window with a what the fuck were you thinking look. She smerked… I was this close to kicking the mirror off her car.

I was trapped in between my bike and the car and the first thing she does is come around to me and start bitching about her prius…

women drivers ftl…some people are complete idiots…i don’t even know how they can even think of smiling when you almost get fuckeddddd up:Idiots

i dont understand people being on the wrong side of the road to get mail. are people that fucking lazy that they cant get out of the car anymore?

this thread fucking pissses me off

wear your gear bro, FUCK THAT LADY

Glad you’re okay.

I hope they loaded her up with tickets for failure to keep right, failure to yield right of way, etc… because you know if the roles were reversed odds are you’d get loaded up with tickets.

nobody got tickets, nobody was at fault…

yea…I’m still waiting to hear from the insurance companies to find out how much money i get…in the meantime, streetfighter ftw :ninja pics to follow