women of pittspeed, i have a question

I would never pay 600 for a purse, but then again I don’t carry a purse. I guess the biggest parallel you could draw from women to guys would be watches. I don’t really see the car parts comparison because the car parts are more of a hobby and less of a fashion “hey look at how much my stuff costs” kind of thing. I guess everybody knows it takes money to go fast but going fast is the goal not showin off your high dollar parts.

I don’t really wear watches anymore since they were made obsolete by the cell phone years back but when I did I saw no problem in rockin’ a citizen or seiko. I don’t think I would drop the cash for a rolex, omega, or gucci, and I am definetly not high roller enough for a patek or jaeger.

Anyone who goes for the high dollar purses or watches has to go into it understanding that they are not really gaining substance that they are going to appreciate over a more common watch/purse. They are trying to buy the attention approval, and envy of the people around them. If they are ok with the fact that they have to buy the approval of others with high dollar stuff then it’s their choice.

If it wasn’t such a rush buying these in NYC I don’t think I would do it. You walk down the street and these asian women whisper “coach, prada” in your ear. Then you follow them into a secret room that is super small and the walls are lined to the ceiling with purses! Once i walked up 6 flights of steps and hit the mother load! This place had the real deal for $150. Of course I still couldn’t spend $150 on a purse lol


You warn little kids about the dangers of the internet but this doesn’t sound like the brightest idea to me. I mean you are basically following someone to who knows where in hopes of baggin’ a discount purse but they could just as easily be people waiting to rob, rape or kidnap you. I mean you are luring women with this, not grown men. It would be a pretty easy way to rob people.

Sorry I’m coming into the thread late. . . I think that every woman should have a nice purse, outfit, pair of shoes, and set of sexy panties. I think a purse that is expensive is (in most instances) better in quality. I know that since I got my real purse I can notice immediatly when someone paid $35.00 on a replica. I like having nice purse to go out with and I would not return it unless I really didn’t like it… in which case I would return it for another style I liked better.

On another note, I plan on carrying the purse for well over a year. When I bought 30.00 purses I would carry them for a month or so and decide to buy a newer one that wouldn’t fall apart- but they always did.

so true. we go in groups and if we see them going somewhere shady we stop following. The 6 flights there were SOO many people going in and out it was insane

Seems like you know the NYC black market pretty well.

You want to grab me a nice replica watch next time you’re up there?

I agree with whitey 100% If thats what she wants then get it for her

But come on now, Coach isnt even that expensive of a bag. Coach is a cheaper desiners bag. I know I like to buy my girl nice things and if thats what she wants then thats what im going to buy her.

im with wash paw here… the girl i date is in love with coach and prada (spl???) ect ect… all about name brands… and thats what makes her happy… what keeps her happy keeps me happy :boink

I was actually thinking of buying a few on my next trip and selling them down here. I may be going up there in Jan so I will get a few Prada’s - those are the “Can’t go wrong” types :slight_smile:

I hear ya… but once she gets a mark on her shoe, clothes, purses, etc etc, she renders them useless and goes out to buy something else or another one…
this is normally 3-6 weeks…

i say keep it… if not i bet you’ll have to buy one later down the road. who cares

I don’t know… I don’t get the whole purse thing. I don’t carry one. Maybe because I have never had a really nice expensive purse I don’t understand it. But the whole idea of putting all your credit cards, money, check book and other important stuff in one receptacle to be carried over your shoulder or swing from your hand seems very insecure to me… and I live in a place that I have never actually heard of anyone getting mugged.

That is great! I always make sure never to carry one when my concert season starts up, one less thing to think about

just as easy to steal a walet as a purse

i guess that’s logical… how do you carry money, cc’s and check book? in a pocket or in your car??? then why aren’t you scared you will get kidnapped for your money or your car hijacked for your checkbook???

i think that’s a little silly… but whatever! thank god for people like mp3ray that buy the gimmick purses that throw off the theives… if every girl that had a LV or D&B purse had real ones it would be a gold mine… but theives know that 90% of them are rip off fakes and not worth the mugging.

This thread is as bad as the gay ass metro thread about shoes.

hey! theres nothing wrong with a nice pair of shoes. But shelby and purses is a whole different story…aaand starboy voting to keep the purse :greddy:

yet both are x38275987592875 better than reading about the kansas city penguins… :blue: