women of pittspeed, i have a question

I carry a wallet for most things. But if I’m going somewhere I consider a threat I carry cash in my pocket of my pants.

I guess I’m used to needing both hands free because of the kids. That could be the main reason I don’t carry anything with me.

I don’t even carry a wallet. I did lose one of my sets of keys to my Jeep recently though, which is a little disturbing.

So basically she won’t be using it in a month :dunno: Wow…

Scuff marks on leather shoes/purse: try mr. clean magic eraser or a pencil eraser for scuffs on patent leather :slight_smile:

5 pages for a damn purse? Take it back n get the cash…nuff said!

On the note of carrying all valubles in one place… I always carry my checkbook with me. Unless I’m going out out. I only carry 2 cards with me. My major credit card and my Debit card…

Those two cards are both insured against identity theft/ fraud/ and unathorized transactions. Working for a bank has helped me realize that in a matter of seconds i can cancel both cards and place a stop payment on the range of checks I am missing. :slight_smile: I don’t mind carrying my things with me.

i do the same thing and it works great.

Since when do you need your gf’s appoval to spend your own money?

well i dont NEED approval, but its better for me because then I dont hear the nagging like I would if I went and just bought something. We have been together for 6 years, have a house payment and two kids, and we file our taxes together, so its not like she is just some chick i am seeing…thats common law marriage. I would rather avoid the argument over buying some car parts and let her buy what she wants and use that opportunity to buy what I want then because then she cant say anything about it.

My wife handles all the bills. I couldn’t even tell you how much my paycheck is.

:rofl: wow has this blown up

I agree with Heather… if its REAL and its in your price range they buy it, no matter what it costs. My old girlfriend used to carry a $1200 LV backpack, is that totally stupid to pay that price for it? I think so, but if it makes her happy then more power to her. Just like no girl would see it being worth me to pay $3000 for JUST a Full Race exhaust manifold for my car, but to me it might be worth it. Generaly speaking most guys (yes some girls) dump a LOT of money into their cars, etc… so whats the difference when a girl spends a decent amount of money on something that she is into? I would rather have a $600 purse make me happy than the $10,000+ thats into my car.

this doesn’t surprise me. People like you have an eye for such things.

meh. Paying for a name is pretty lame IMHO.

like those dumb fuck BMW owners who buy all that Dinan shit that is just rebadged shit you could buy for 1/4 the price.

i see what you mean, but at least car parts make the car go faster or look better. if you could have got that race exhaust for $300 instead of $3,000 just because it wasn’t from a “brand name” company but it still functioned the same would you have dropped the 3 large?

That is a good point… I cant really answer that… I would have to say the $300 one. I guess it is the same point as I was making above, but I dunno if someone gave me it as a gift I think I would keep it.

maybe you should go back to smoking pot… my entire fucking point is that the QUALITY of the product is what is important… some things are ‘name brand’ and ‘expensive’ because they are QUALITY products… that is my point

the only reason $600 purses cost $600 is to make them seem “exclusive”. If only rich people can afford them, then poor people will want them. They’re nothing more than a status symbol. They certainly don’t cost much more to make than a normal purse.

So basically you’re paying an extra $550 to “look cool” If thats worth it to you, then go for it.

this is the law of economics… a product of equal materials and quality CANNOT cost 300… it’s improbable and nearly impossible unless someone is feeling giving…

the ‘brand name’ has nothing to do with it, it’s the quality and reputation…

i’m sorry, but you think car parts make cars faster and look better, yet a purse isn’t used for fashion or a task??? other than the whole reason women have purses, to carry things and look good. :stick:

is there something wrong with you today?

it’s a fucking purse. Are they using passenger pigeon scrotums for the lining? No. MP3ray has even said that she can get a purse of equal quality that cannot be distinguished from the real thing for $30. So obviously they are making that purse for less than $30 to turn a profit. Which means that $600 price tag is all profit.

why do you even talk about things that you have no idea???

if i had not gone purse shopping for xmas, i wouldn’t be as versed…

what is a purse? its’ fabric, some leather (usually) and stitchings… things that set a quality purse apart from a cheap one is the quality of the fabric, the leather (and amount used) and the stitching… it’s obvious you know nothing about this, but go to a mall and look at a 250+ dollar purses characterists then check out a shitty 50 dollar one and see for yourself.