women of pittspeed, i have a question

mp3ray also knowingly buys garbage products… so i’d say her judgement is not something i’d take to the bank.

Sure it can. When you’re talking about items specifically designed for conspicuous consumption. Look at a Tommy Hilfiger T-shirt. Exact same cost to make as a “Big Dogs” t-shirt. The difference? One has TOMMY screen printed on it, the other has BIGDOGS printed on it. The Tommy shirt cost $25. The Big Dogs shirt cost $7.

the ‘brand name’ has nothing to do with it, it’s the quality and reputation…


i’m sorry, but you think car parts make cars faster and look better, yet a purse isn’t used for fashion or a task??? other than the whole reason women have purses, to carry things and look good. :stick:

I’m sorry Sonny, I had no idea that purses were a subject that struck so close to home with you.


does the leather come from magical cows atop mount olympus? are the purses hand stitched by mongolian purse stichers who have been passing down the trade for generations?

no. Same fucking shit. Is it better in quality than a $50 purse? Probably. Is it $550 better? No.


it’s amazing to me that you have the confidence that you have behind your idiotic remarks! you should use that for something other than making baseless arguments on the internet!

it uses a ton MORE leather than normal cheap rip-off FAKE leather shit… the fabric is light-years better… the stitching IS HAND STITCHED… it is a trade that’s been passed down for generations, but you knew that because of your infinite knowledge of purses and the economics driving the market… the quality is there… i just fucking shopped for a purse for 2 weeks prior to chrismas and saw what there is to see when making a decision…

which one did you decide on for yourself?

I say keep the purse because you will always want a real one… yes ive done the get a look a like and the truth is you can tell. The expensive purse is somethign that will last you forever… and if you take it back youll end up getting one eventually.
At least you didnt have to buy it…

I’m sorry. My knowledge and passion for purses is obviously outmatched in this thread. I will now leave in disgrace.

THANK GOD … you pussy… you can’t even hold your own weight in an argument anymore… :nono:


This is the funniest stuff I have read in awhile

one that costs more than your car payment!!! lol… the quality is superb and jenn was happy with it. my job is done.

call me a fag, but I can tell a fake LV anyday of the week. You can tell in the quality. If you want the real thing your gonna pay, just like anything else. If it was my girlfriend I would want her carrying the real thing, it just has more class. I personaly find it appealing when a girl is carrying a real expensive purse, it shows she has class and likes the finer things in life, like myself.

it could show that. It could also show that she’s a gold digging twat, or a spoiled little brat. Or that she’s overly materialistic. or that her boyfriend has a two inch penis and is trying to make up for it by buying her expensive purses.

or maybe I dont want to argue over the internet with VW owners about the validity of high end purse pricing.

then pick something else and give it another shot…

mike… you go to a bar completely sober to start off the night. Do you start with well liqour or do you start with top shelf?

:bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl:

good point

Clearly you have no idea. I have some hanes undershirts, and some polo. The polos outlast the hanes hands down, and are more comfortable the entire time. And don’t even get me started on boxer briefs. You generally get what you pay for, and although there are exceptions, your example is a TERRIBLE one.

You are trying to say that cotton is cotton. Well by that logic, rubber is rubber, and better tires would be a waste of money, because the only difference is name on the side.

The other reason BIGDOGS shirts are so cheap is because there’s no demand for that kind of gay shit.

yea. until you spill something on it and whine

top shelf. but if top shelf cost 10x what the cheap shit cost and it tasted pretty much the same, I wouldn’t be drinking the expensive shit just to look cool.