women of pittspeed, i have a question

This may be one of the stupidest replies I’ve seen from someone on Pittspeed that I know has at least a reasonable level of intelligence.

Assuming the Hilfiger and Big Dog shirts are printed on the same shirt, the Tommy shirt is still going to cost twice as much, simply because of the brand name that’s printed on it. Its called brand equity.

Porsche, Ferrari, Lamborghini. Prada, Gucci, Dolce & Gabana. Nike, Reebok.

Porsche, Ferrari, Lamborghini. Prada, Gucci, Dolce & Gabana<<<<<<<<<<<Nothing u will ever own nike,reebok<<<<<<<evrything u do own…

IF they printed each logo on the same shirt, the Tommy would sell for more. But they don’t print them on the same shirts (unless you’re buying it on the streets of NYC for $5/shirt).

DAMN!!! Your smart there…do u realize the level of ur inteligance? U should be making millions!!!

eh, the shirts are pretty much the same. At least all the Tommy shirts I have (I dont have any Big Dogs shirts, but the quality is pretty much the same across all of my regular style t-shirts. Its not like Tommy Hilfiger makes their own shirts, they buy them from the same places that everyone else buys their tshirts from, slap a logo on it, then hustle it out at malls for $25.

You’re… intelligence…


I cant tell the difference, but my gf can. So I went straight to coach when I bought mine, or else, I’d be paying a lot of money for a piece of shit

I’m so glad my g/f doesn’t care about stupid shit like $600 purses

or her boyfriend having an average sized or large penis


Ya,because all she cares about is her Pink hello kitty purses and t-shirts and her weekly allownace from mommy n daddy:rolleyes:

regardless of price or status you do it for the quality… Done! I win!

one day she just might… please refer her to the pittspeed archives!

as long as you see the difference of quality > quantity then this thread can be locked up… do you concur?

please lock it

one day… years from now… when you and Sonny are both out of the closet, I shall reference this thread as the very moment when the last bit of hope I had for you both being heterosexuals underneath all of your faggish, pink VW driving, Dawson’s Creek watching, $600 dollar purse defending actions, completly vanished.
