Name Brand Parts...rant

Im just wondering why do people pay sooooo Much for parts that have fancy japanese names on them… example, that 800$ exhaust that someone just sold.
What makes it worth that much, i know its not the ecv cause i just checked and that same one sells for 100-150$ new on ebay… i just find it weird people spend so much on parts that are from japan when they could have had the exact same exhaust made here for no more then 400$ with new pipe and control valve… Guess its just alittle bit of a rant but i guess when the babys and mortgage payments start coming in maybe you’ll all learn.

what don’t you get about it? obviously if you weren’t born in japan you can’t weld metal.

Well, i was watching some best motoring and they had a special on this one guy who helped design parts for the Z and he said that
“name brand japanese parts usually cost more than near identical American ones because of the R&D that went in and usually the methods of manufacturing the parts ensure higher quality since most american mods are just japanese design ripoffs.”

Just paraphrased.

I assume that Bing is your Canadian Idol then. :slight_smile:


ay “you gotta dress pretty to play pretty”

that is a pretty badass exhuast though. I’d pay a fair bit for it… not $800 but hey. I paid over a G for my N1 Dual 6 years ago.

you’re a fag

I love you Bing.

Clearly to fill up their baller status gauge.
I’ll pay money for things that I think are worth money, and won’t pay money for things that I don’t think are worth money. Off the top of my head:
Brand name:
Suspension bits
Turbo, s/c, BOV, pretty much anything WITH moving parts
Aero, I would never ever in a million years pay for brand name aero. Some brand name aero fits worse than knockoff stuff.
Anything like exhaust, various piping.

Its not much different than a woman who wants an extremely expensive purse. Usually a custom exhaust costs less and is just as good in both sound and performance categories. Basically it often comes down to bling factor.

i agree with ant

certain shit ill pay top dollar for due to the r&d that goes into them

parts like exhaust or intercooler plumbing, shit thats easy to re-make, ill take a knock off

anyways, people have been ranting about this since before i even got into cars

welcome to the last decade

you didnt buy it, so dont worry about it

for the record, its a sweet exhaust if its the one i think your talking about

im sure pete will be chiming in soon

his april editorial (modified mag) was on this topic

i spent a huge shit load on my Dart Izumi exhaust and its been sitting in my room for over a year lol

because its JDM YO

i’d like to see that

There IS such a thing as exhaust tuning…

No one is talking about exhaust tuning.

Its about people paying rediculous amounts of money for something that has some super cool jdm name on it when there are parts here and at shops that will do the exact same thing if not better then thies overpriced jap parts, and people still buy the jap parts because it makes them JDM and cool with the crowd

^^ you just answered your own question right there.
Plus in all the mod magz most of the cars are running name brand parts so right there it makes the car more desireable, more expensive and harder for joe blow to copy. IMO
Anyway Im sure we all run knockoff shit on are cars but if we all had the money we would be rocking genuine JDM parts.

I would rather pay more at once than more and more down the road.

you would rather pay more for used old parts then less for new parts?
and how many people in here are tryin to get there cars in “mod mags” i know of a few people on here that have had there cars in there but, seriously. why spend that much on a used parts? … just waiting for someone to say they do it because they think it will make them cooler when people ask them about there cars

i just buy the cheap knock offs and find stickers and rattle cans to make them look JDM tyte…

nice Ebay cold air, meet AEM sticker

no J/k but yea, i like my expensinse parts if i want something well known and trusted. rather then something ive only heard of once or twice.
and thats were the real price comes in, popular stuff is well known, so its wanted so the price goes up… its basic economics.

ill take a $160 bings powerbrace over the $75 ebay special anyday.