won in court today

50 in a 35, While drive that black Mach 1 I posted a while ago. female judge as well. I think I’m about 4 for 4 now. :moon:

I saved a bunch by switching to geico.

i got raped by the geico gecko… :scared:

soo how did you manage to win??


he munched the judge’s box before the hearing.


lucky bastard

it’s not what you know it’s who you know thats the trick.


be presentable and respectful and intelligent and it’s easy

good deal man… more incentive to speed and do burnouts.

yup, presentable… I just washed my hands and left my work clothes on.
Respectful… I accidentially called the judge Maam, instead of your honor.
Intelligent… I work on cars, I cant be that smart.

Its all who you know :slight_smile:

im just jealous


see as i said before it not what you know, it’s who you know.

i love her she has let me off on so much shit!

seen her rheem a cop a new one!!!


Lucky Bastard! I never win – Good for you though

so you’re sayingyou want to munch the judge’s box?

How fast I was going? I don’t think if I sucked the cop off and the judge that would have helped my cause! I have been pulled over more than my share and have gotten off once with a warning because I was making the Cop laugh and had one of those get out of jail free cards -