Wondering about the mcnally tune

Uhh I was wondering if mcnally tuned thunderbirds to make go fast for quarter mile and shit so that my car would run real good and fast no bad ratio… k?

PM Z28LT1Rocket, he works at the Illegal Bodyshop of Dunsbach Ferry Rd.
McNally works there too.

best bet would be to call bigred as he knows mcnally personally.

if your bore is too big he can’t do it…

o alright thanks

This is McNally incase you see him in the lower lot or at LVD

he’s got the jorts on btw…

yeah sorry, black shirt, red hat

Yo, youz guyz got BON BONZ??

Nah fresh out

WTF im tired of this BS

Nahhh mannnnn, thaz bullshit mannn. Gimme demz jujji fruitz

ight ight I gotta ask Mcnally, hes got some jujji fruitz

for g0od meshurz

I crack up looking at his “jorts”

does mcnally work at some sort of illegal tuning shop or something? you guys aren’t really helping me out

nah, illegal bodyshop with Z28LT1Rocket

its a collarboration type of deal, ya know?

o alright

you people really get a kick out of nothing dont ya

Nah just the illegal bodyshop off of Dunsbach Ferry Road in Colonie NY, its a barn off to the side of the guy’s house.