Woodward Dream Cruise

Well it is not in Western NY but I wasn’t sure where to put it.

Anyone making the trip to MI next weekend?

I usually walk around Friday night and I might meet up with the V guys Saturday.

If you’re into Domestics, this is one trip you have to take. But make sure you have a full tank of gas before you head off down woodward…

My dad goes every year and they trailor out a buddies strip prepped mustang and another buddies street rod for the long weekend. They meet up with a family member who is a designer for fords motorsports division and usually get the private tour of the facilty and invited to a huge rager the guy throws and usually ends in car smashing in the back yard to raise money for some random charity

damn looks like fun, they still have rooms for $299/night

I can’t get out there because of my work schedule :frowning:
I’d love to head out there one year.

always a good time, yea a lot of domestics for sure, and i think when we went, the majority of excotics were in our group , but they arent goin this year

There is usually a good showing of Italians at the cruise. Detroit has a large Ferrari, Masserti and Lambo presence.

On top of that, make sure your cooling system in on point.

Woodward is a great time for sure. As wrong as it may be, I had the most street races while at Woodward (in my Mustang). The cops shut the cruise down early (9pmish), but a few hours later when the cats away the mice will play:D. Seriously, every light there’s someone wanting to make a run.

i used to live 5 mins from this before i moved out here 4 years ago. went to it every year with my dad. he just picked up a 55 willyz pick-up a couple months back. def. going back for it this year. who is going and when are you leaving? i’m making the trip next thursday evening… 4-4 1/2 hr drive through canada. anybody want to tag along?

I know a few people from the board are going down for this. Just not me…