
I just got accepted to UB’s PMBA program starting this fall! :headbang: Management here I come! :eek: God help Praxair…:ohnoes:


You’ll probably see me there if you ever stop in the office. I’m the staff assistant at the front desk.

PS- Never piss off Melissa FitzGerald, the admissions director. She is crazy… :lol:

Thanks! What’s your name? I’m going to make an appointment some time in the next week or two to talk to someone and get a feel for what I’m in for, so I’ll probably be in the office and I’ll stop and say hi. I’d kind of like to avoid “Hello beautiful disaster.” slap :rofl:

Melissa Fitzgerald. Nutcase. Be nice to her. Got it! :tup:

what was your GMAT score?


I should have studied, but all’s well that ends well.

:tup: and congrats.

congrats man

:tup: way to go


the more education you have, the more sex appeal you have :stuck_out_tongue:


Thanks guys!

[quote=“Mrs. Karus,post:9,topic:27963"”]


the more education you have, the more sex appeal you have :stuck_out_tongue:


Sweet! So you’re saying that soon I’ll have some instead of none? :lol:


Thanks! What’s your name? I’m going to make an appointment some time in the next week or two to talk to someone and get a feel for what I’m in for, so I’ll probably be in the office and I’ll stop and say hi. I’d kind of like to avoid “Hello beautiful disaster.” slap :rofl:

Melissa Fitzgerald. Nutcase. Be nice to her. Got it! :tup:


It’s Erica, I’m the person usually sitting right as you walk into 108.

Melissa will probably be the one you meet with, or Courtney, the Assistant Dean. They are both great, if you are on their good sides.

Everyone in the department is very accomodating, so I’m sure you’ll have a great time here.


Sweet! So you’re saying that soon I’ll have some instead of none? :lol:


As an engineer you should know that 0 x anything still = 0.

:lol: Well aren’t we witty! I’ll have you know I embody sex appeal. Here’s proof:
What could be more attractive than snorkeling in a bathtub?




:lol: Well aren’t we witty! I’ll have you know I embody sex appeal. Here’s proof:
What could be more attractive than snorkeling in a bathtub?


i used to take baths with a bathing suit on when i was younger. like last year.

and this activity is super sexxxy

Is there a story behind that? Like you were looking for a leak in one of the jets? Or there was a lot of beer involved?


And a huge :tup: to you sir!

What? I wanted to go snorkeling. :gotme:

I was borrowing a snorkel/mask for a trip to the coral reefs in Panama and wanted to make sure it didn’t leak.
