woohoooo i'm smart!!

I just got accepted to Medaille. And some how I won a Dean’s Award for $7000 a year.

I’m shocked.

Things like this DO NOT happen to me.

congrats… what do you want to study?

I’m doing the Vet Tech program. I love science, and animalssss.


inb4buyacarwithschoolloans lol. nice job.

Thats AWESOME. Congratulations!

ib4 you get a “whoops we meant that for someone else” letter



Congrats, my ol’ lady goes there and she digs it. It’s small too, everyone knows everyone, lol.

late april fools joke?


Congrats. :slight_smile:


congrats, a freind of mine is currently finishing upn her degree there for the exact same thing.

Good job


grats. gl w/vet tech

:tup: way to go

So where are you going to get the other 74635k that it’s going to cost you for 2 years?

Edit: fixed, 2 years

vet tech is only 2 years usually my ex did it and she loved it

Congrats on the grant. My twin (not literally) goes there and he likes it despite the college being only 4 buildings lol.


So where are you going to get the other 74635k that it’s going to cost you for 2 years?

Edit: fixed, 2 years


Mom, dad, and grandparents.
I don’t want student loans.
Rather, my mom doesn’t want me to have student loans. I couldn’t care less as long as I’m doing something I enjoy.

if you see my exGF there punch her in the face. she did the vet tech program man what a pain in the ass it was, its not what you expect

Bitch fights? Oooooh.

I’m looking forward to it. I know it’s a lot of work.