woot..never been..

…to killington until later tonight.

plan on skiing my legs off tom.-mon. morning

30 inches of snow in the past week. snow showers predicted for the next 5 days:baby:

Have fun in the powder tomorrow and Sunday. They may get a good foot plus.

I was hoping to go to VT monday for the day, but the storm is hitting too early, and I couldn;t go this weekend.

Hit up the Woobly Barn for some drinks too. it’s a good time.

nioce. i just got back from stratton last night, and I believe killington was getting snow while they were getting rain.

it snowed 8" wed night, all day thurs, and it was snowing when i left

should be nice.

I might go to killington in march but I’m not sure, my roommate seems like he’s pussing out

fyi everywhere in VT is getting pounded right now, perfect weekend to go. I might head up tomorrow am depending on how drunk I get tonite, I have friends that live a mile away from mt snow.

the conditions today were the best ive ever had in my life.

30degrees and bluebird until 2pm(lifts close@4) and weve gotten 6 inches of snow since then and its STILL snowing as hard as it was at 3pm.

prolly gonna wake up to 8-12inches tom. morning.

i spent the day in the trees killing some untouched stashes of pow.
dropped 6-10 different cliffs anywhere from 10-30feet.

yep. this is where i live :slight_smile:

<3 vermont

hasn’t snowed since thursday morning in burlington. but we’ve got a lot of snow…if anyone visits Stowe (20 mins away) holllaaa!