Work ATM

I went and used the ATM in my bldg. today for the first time and it spits out $10 bills instead of $20s. I’ve never seen this before and asked the guys i work with, they said it has always done that. Anyone else ever see an ATM do that because my co-workers were acting like it was a normal occurence.

most ATMs these days will give out 10s and 20s. They are smart enough to give you 2 20s and a 10 if you ask for $50 and will only give you all 10s if it’s out of 20s.

Mine gives out $5,$10, and $20 bills.

The M&T on the blvd. once gave me singles :bloated:

:pimp: I’ve never seen an ATM that will do $5 denominations…

yea on the 4th of july i got singles in the old M&T on broadway in lancaster - $60 in sigles sucks ass!!!

A lot of M&Ts gives out any denomination up to a $20, that includes change!

^walk-in atms only though. And its at almost every m&t. The only m&t ive been to where the walk-in atm didnt give me whatever amount I wanted was one in buffalo. On deleware maybe?

The M&T atm’s are called IDM “Intelligent Dispensing Modules” It is capable of spitting out 1,5,20,50. and .01, .05, .25 They are considered top of the line machines aside from the optiva’s that cost upwards of $60K so you dont see many of them around. Now with the IDM’s is a new emerging system where an atm will soon be able to sell you tickets to any event at any venue and print it on the fly. It isn’t live yet, but i was working on the software for it when i worked for diebold.

If there is anything that you want to know about those machines, chances are good that i know it :bloated:

except if it’s near a nudie bar. :tup:

they should have one of those at sundowners

Some of those atm’s at strip clubs charge nine dollars or more for a fee. I doubt the singles would be worth it.

Any ATM that I’ve ever been to has to be done in denominations of $20. Always.

That’s because you smell like a stripper. (Which is not a bad thing at all.)

The ones at wegmans are 5,10,20.

Ya,the M&T one in tops on broadway is crazy.I could take out $1.00 if I wanted lol.