@Work Before and After - techno/geeky warning

6 years ago I inherited a rat’s nest of network wiring. The previous guys who did it was the boss’s brother-in-law and the maintenance man. Everything worked (most of the time) so I will give them credit for that. But on the few occasions I needed to find/repair a wire it was a nightmare. On top of that, they origionally had 2x 24 port hubs (added a 3rd when we closed a brand office) for about 60 total cat 5 runs. Their theory was to just swap the cables for un-used lines whenever a computer or printer was moved. It’s not a terrible theory per-say… until you realize none of the cables were labeled (especially at BOTH ends) and some where wired in 568A on one end and B on the other. Just a basic headache all around.

So here are the BEFORE pictures:


So this weekend I came and did an upgrade. The biggest thing was tracing the wires to which office they went to and labeling them. We also went to 1 Gb switches and setup a patch panel correctly.

The AFTER pics:


I know it’s not much compared to some of the large data centers some of you might work with. But it’s been 6 years that I’ve been trying to convince my boss to do this. It took a loud fan to finally tip the scales. (The fan was making a loud ass noise one day, boss heard it, and agreed we should replace it… escalated from there) I did it all in a weekend by myself. I’m proud of my work so I figured I’d share with the other geeks here.

looks good john…alot better then b4

100x better

great work!

looks really good.

I couldn’t handle that stuff…I don’t even like rolling up and extension cord…nice work!!

i dont know what i’m looking at… but it seems like a huge improvement!

nice. I can’t wait to do mine.

It’s where all the network cables for the computer system meet.

Thanks for all the compliments guys.

Great improvement! Nice to see some kind of cable management too! I recommend velcro strips over zip-ties though as they’re easy to re-adjust and move but I doubt you’ll be doing much moving in that small of an environment.


Until a ghost rearranges it.

great work

looks good, that station cable is still twisted up though,just busting balls, agree with noah on hte velco for your patch cables, i would wax string the rest

I prefer velcro strips myself. I like being able to tie some stuff together, then add more into the bunch as I progress… but we have a giant box of zip ties…

Looks good man…what a mess that was previously…lol



:rofl: you are a cancer fed adult/

see you in hell