Work Email on-the-go

Oh yea, I know exactly what you mean. There is a guy here I work with that is rediculous, its gotten so bad he will stop talking mid sentence to check an email. Dude hasnt taken a vacation since like '01 because he is afraid of work building up. it ruined his marriage, he was married for like 12 years or something.

its kinda sad.

my sis is glued to her work BB when shes on vac here. Also her wrk laptop. But hey, for 5 weeks of VAC and 75K a year I would do it too. Damn Federal Jobs

yes, but they do pay for part of my phone bill :stuck_out_tongue:

pfft… I don’t even get a bill :stuck_out_tongue:

I am actually switching over from my company phone, to a reimbursment plan. They will cover up to $50/month. That is basically the whole cost my plan(no net/mail).

i just carry my ipod touch and it automatically updates when its in a wifi hot spot. if i need to check it, ill find wifi. other than that, i wouldnt pay for it just yet. not until i have business that depends on it.

yes, when you have people in so many different countries that work their days(our nights) you need to be able to communicate somehow if there’s an issue.

But I try to keep that to a minimum personally. My boss on the otherhand…almost every day I wake up to emails from him, sent anywhere from 12am-5am. He’s crazy like that.


Ya but I turn it off if I am not in the office. I hate enough that i can be called 24/7 so when I am not at work, I don’t need email.

I set it up on my iPhone didn’t really have too but it is nice to have previous job I was given a Crackberry.

Blackberry provided by work (ported personal number to it)
BES server with 100 or so Blackberries, our Blackberries/email are the heart of communication in our company, they are mandatory.

<3 saving 100/mo. on cell bill.

Can’t just ignore when shit breaks on critical environments…

having ACCESS to email and being obligated to respond are 2 different things, it’s all about striking a balance and self-control

Ya thats why I have my personal number as my work phone and expense it. no point to carry 2 cell phones and save a ton of money.