work hard play hard?

Buffalo has many restaurant spots and those are fun to chill at with the right crew/company.

I play hard in Toronto.

Ride the bike.

going to vegas on tuesday till the 24th :slight_smile: god i cant wait :party2: :loopie:


Ride the bike.


Truth. That’s what i usually do when i start getting stressed. I ride out to one of the few decent beaches in the area and chill there til the sun goes down. Works everytime


Truth. That’s what i usually do when i start getting stressed. I ride out to one of the few decent beaches in the area and chill there til the sun goes down. Works everytime


i like that approach


i drive.

going to jersey this weekend for a vacation called waterfest :biglaugh: i’ll want to die after.


waterfest would be amazing, buuuuttt… i have nobody to go with and unfortunately ill still be out of town, just meet me in manhattan, haha

and hell yah id be down for hunters/ellicotville anytime, note im sorta lethargic on the uphil, but i live for the down. keep me posted on chautauqua etc, sounds like a good time

btw kait, i hate you…waterfest:headbang:


waterfest would be amazing, buuuuttt… i have nobody to go with and unfortunately ill still be out of town, just meet me in manhattan, haha

and hell yah id be down for hunters/ellicotville anytime, note im sorta lethargic on the uphil, but i live for the down. keep me posted on chautauqua etc, sounds like a good time

btw kait, i hate you…waterfest:headbang:


probably not. it’s going to be a bunch of fucking douche bags with 1.8T’s who think they have fast cars. they will have ridiculous spacers with staggered wheels and stretched tires. on top of that, it will probably rain.

to be fair, i said i was going to go every year for so many years and never did.

hrm… given my budget as of late… as soon as I pay off all the typical used car maintenance on the GSR, I want to start investing heavily in my Roth.

That said… Not a lot of money. I like to go to the beach, read @ B&N for hours at a time, go to the UNC-W university library, go to the gym, spend time w/gf when she’s around…

Not too wild and crazy. Hope to take up surfing soon tho :slight_smile:

Haha, I’m not super quick on the uphills either. Still have some weight to lose, (already dropped 15lbs since beginning of May, want to drop another 15 still)

I normally don’t have anyone to ride with… I was thinking of going tomorrow evening if the weather is good. (scattered t-storms in the forecast, so who knows.)

of all the things i’ve had and gotten rid of, i miss my baller ass mountain bike the most. one day, i’ll be able to afford another one and i’ll start riding again.

Dex, go buy a $250 hardtail like me, and we’ll go ride. Tomorrow.

Dooooooooooooooo itttttttttttttttt.


Haha, I’m not super quick on the uphills either. Still have some weight to lose, (already dropped 15lbs since beginning of May, want to drop another 15 still)

I normally don’t have anyone to ride with… I was thinking of going tomorrow evening if the weather is good. (scattered t-storms in the forecast, so who knows.)


ill get into town in a few days, and we can go down to e-ville, surprisingly ive also never been to hunters, but i can show you elli, its got some siqqq fast downs, technical singletrack, my hardtail has no probs there, you can easily get up to 50mph on the down… i usually go alone since my riding buddy is too lazy now because of his gf… im down like james brown…

Hunters is fun. It’s different in the sense that is a lot of shorter ups and downs. Short, but steep climbs, with some very fun downhills.

I don’t know if I’ve got the balls to hit 50mph on my MTB, haha, fastest I’ve hit was a bit over 20mph. That said though, I have been wanting to ride e-ville, so I welcome the opportunity.


Dex, go buy a $250 hardtail like me, and we’ll go ride. Tomorrow.

Dooooooooooooooo itttttttttttttttt.


i just paid a lot of money for a new apartment about 10 minutes ago. i also have a lot of bills to pay. i really can’t afford it. and seriously, i break parts. when i’m on a mountain bike i feel the need to jump on and off of everything i see. i would probably need to buy a decent bike.

when i do have the money, i will buy something and we will ride i promise.