Work Sucks

why did i not see this last night. you would have gotten a ear full. i tok our digital box back last week because it wasn’t working and now our on demand don’t work. :doh:

my Comcast randomly loses sound on a few channels. Last week it was VH1 and History, the week before that it was MTV and some other lame ass channel.

My internet has been fast as hell lately though :bigthumb: :knockonwood:

Same problem here, sound drops out for a second or 2 then comes back on, annoying as hell.

mine drops out for days at a time :frowning:

Same here, mostly on high-def channels. Sound drops out for about 2 sec then comes back. WTF?

If I have a spare DVR box lying around, what needs done in order for it to work?

one of these days i’ll sign up for cable and i’ll give you a call. i don’t really feel like paying $75 a month for cable right now though.

I think in the next 2 weeks I"ll be calling comcast to set up service. Although if the apartment complex gets Verizon then I won’t be calling :wink:

do you have a Motorola box or a Scientific Atlantic??

Could be a box problem, what type of box do you have as well?

See above

Where did this spare box come from?? Was a box you had on you account at one time, or did you buy it on Ebay? If it was a box you once had on your account, you can take it into one of the lobbys and they can get the serial numbers off of it and then add it to your account, or you can take it in and swap it for a brand new one. if you bought it on Ebay or off someone else, you cant use it.

We have our digital starter package for new customers at $29.99 for the first year, and you can add the preferred tier of channels, which is all digital channels, not including premiums (HBO, Cinemax, Showtime, TMC, Starz) for 12.95, so your looking at about 42.95 plus tax, so around $46.xx a month im going to guess.

Are you moving to Pittsburgh, or do you mean in DC??

^ DC. I couldn’t get Verizon or RCN (yet) so I figure I would sign up for a year with Comcast and hope the other two get installed soon

I’m not sure. I think it was on my roomates old account. Box is just sitting there and I’m the only one without a DVR box…would we have to pay the extra money to add it to the account if we already have it? Regardless, I’ve already been paying on roomies dvr boxes for months now. Time to cash in.

geez between you covering everyones dvr boxes and me drinking all your water how do you survive from paycheck to paycheck? :sarcasm:

Ya know, being accustomed to getting the short end of the stick, I knew you would understand. The additional $10 a month contribution to the community pot shouldn’t be an issue. And until I see a case of water with a thank you note on the table, my stank ass hockey equipment will remain in the dining room :sarcasm:

if its from your roommates old account, you might want to tell him to return that box because they are probably billing him about $350 for that box, and he wont be able to get Comcast service again without paying for it.

o my… what a misunderstanding we have here!!! all this time i thought that by giving you a place to live with cheap ass rent when your lease expired and you had no place else to go so you could “save money to buy a house in the spring”, i thought we were doing you a favor. when in reality we have been screwing you over all this time.
i cant believe i’ve been so blind. and to top it off we have made you pay a share in the ONE utility bill we actually have?? you have my sincerest appologies! please let me know what, if anything, we can do to make this situation right again!

Ive purchased numerous cases of water of which at times I only consumed a single bottle… you dont see me whining about it…its $2.99 / case… / cheapassness!

I will move your equipment for you if it is an inconvenience for you to do so on your own accord… it stinks like a turd covered in burnt hair!!!

ps i love the comcast thread turned domestic dispute!

Save the dramatics fo yo baby’s mama… I thought I was brought on as a live-in cleaning service / uber techy geekazoid. Where did it all go wrong???

I don’t ask for much but all I want is a fucking dvr box dammit!!! Then yuou fuckers have to come in and ruin it all. seriously, what the fuck McRoomates?!!?

If this is the case then im kicking you out b/c that place is a fucking disaster! you best start cleaning!

this is way better than talking about comcast shit…

Someone stole my remotes, what can we do about that?