worked my first code tonight...

so yeah we had an EMS call tonight right, we are on our way there when my chief goes on the radio and says “we need the defib”. so I’m like great, we got a code. we get there, I jump out of the rig with the defib and my chief is in there starting an iv. She’s not responsive, barley breathing, no pulse. We get a line goin and the medic tubes her. Then I hook her up to the defib and shock her. Then I start chest compressions for a min before we get her on the stretcher. Once on there, I’m doin chest compressions with my right hand and respirations with an bag in my left hand lol. Me and the Paramedic are working the code for like 5-6 min in the rig and get her heart beating, barley but its going, but very tachycardic. so I just had to keep doing respirations while the medic was pushing drugs with the iv and doing that shit. It was defiantly an eye opener. I had been on scene with that stuff but never did it my self before.

you touched her boobs.

Congrats on not freaking out on your first code. They get easier the more you do. after the 5-6th you dont’ even get the adreneline rush anymore, by the 25th or so you don’t even need to think about what to do, you just do it.

Yeah. They usualy have other people around that are like intermediate EMTs and such. But I was the only other certified EMT besides my Chief there. We hada few people helping in the house that just finished their class, but they didint do anything really besides hand us stuff. It is indeed stressfull…looking into someone’s expressionless face while their eyes just stare blankly… Definatly not for the faint of heart as they say.

Did she die?

this thread scares me.

what VF do You work at??

Don’t know. I can only make an educated guess by her condition and say she will most likely not pull through. But I am not a Dr. I am an EMT. Even if we never got her heart going again and she was dead and we knew it, we can not stop CPR. Only a Dr can pronounce them as dead. We only treat what we see, we can not diagnose. I have taken people in before with fractured bones and what not. Even though there is a new angle to their leg or arm or w/e, and it is obvious that it is broken, I can not say it is a fracture because I am only an EMT and not a Dr. I have to report it as a painful swollen deformity. To say it is definitely a fracture is a diagnosis, and we can’t make those, same as saying someone is dead. Only way we can do that is if we get a conformation call and have to confirm they are dead, but those are different circumstances and usually an intermediate or paramedic, but if it happens when we are there they are alive until a doctor says they are dead.

lol why does it scare you? Her heart had stopped andI gotit beating again :). I am rather proud of myself for working so well through such a stressful fast paced situation, especialy for my first time. My chief and the paramedic we like shaking my hand saying I did a great job and what not. Anywho, I am with Akron.

<~~Worked several codes, They aren’t fun, but when your doing it, it’s like your mind is TOTALLY in a whole other world. I’ll never forget the one we did where a Cheektowaga town worker was Drunk off his ass and was working no less, And the crew he was with were cuttin down trees in town park and a VERY LARGE trunk fell on him and he was DOA at the scene “He was pinned under it, guess he never seen or heared them saying to clear”. Me and my chief were the first there and is was sick. His internal injurys were so bad that he blew up and blood actually started to come through his skin when I was working him in the ambulance on the way to ECMC.

That and also I came upon a 1 car MVA “Car Vs. tree” Go to see if the driver was okay and he wasn’t responding. Call 911, then go back and see if he’s breathing and all, well no paulse, no nothing, So I started CPR on him and everything he had that morning Came right the fuck up right into my mouth while i was doing CPR. I was sick as hell, But I had to just wipe it away and keep going untill Buffalo fire came and they took over. guess he had a heart attack while he was driving and that was that. He never was saved.

i was going to ask if she had a nice rack :banghead:

Yeah, I have seen my fair share of gross scenes lol. I took this guy in one time that wiped out on his bicycle on one of those steel grate bridges, did a face plant and tore sections of his face off! There was a section about an inch wide from where his lower lip should have been to the bottom of his chin just gone with the bone showing through. On top of that he had a gash across his right knee cap, he broke several fingers, split his nose in 3 sections, gash across the forehead, the right Ulna was sticking out, and he busted a bunch of teeth. The Paramedic and I took him in to ECMC. He was pretty FUBAR. Turns out he was training for the Iron Man competition and blew a tire on the bridge probably doin a good 30 or so mph…those racing bikes get movin pretty fast and he said he was haulin ass. The worst part of the entire thing was the smell. It could gag a maggot. When someone is cut open a lot and there is a lot of blood loss it fuckin stinks!
Oh yeah, I also went straight to the scene of a “car vs. pole” accident. Guy was drinking, there was an open JD container in the car. Hit so card that when his head hit the steering wheel it burst like a ripe melon. Chinks of flesh and brains all over the inside of the car. Kinda gross. There was nothing I could do so I called my chief and told him it was an obvious DOA. No head = no life. That is like the tip of the iceberg of what I have seen. The only thing that really bothers me anymore are pediatric emergencies…I don’t care who you are…an infant/child dying is probably the saddest most tear jerking thing you will ever witness, especially when the parents are there and you can see the look of sheer horror on their face.

lol…No wonder they make the paid guys go through stress debriefing.

:tdown: to seeing kids in pain use to volunteer with the greece pd.

lots of domestics

t up josh i give ya credit man i couldnt do that stuff keep up the good work

:tup: man, good for you.

i owuldnt normally do this, but you won me over

I pray, I pray to god

i pray dear lord, that you never ever lay your hand on myself or anyone I know in a medical emergency

whun peepul downt know how to spell they shuldunt be trusted with a hewman life


were u singing the song How to Save a life whole time on the call

I PRAY TO LORD, When your having a heart attack, Someone reads this and lets you die! “Opp’s My bad, Couldn’t spell Ignorant Fuck on the PCR”

i thought akron was a paid FD i didnt think they had VFD?? im wit pembroke/ indianfalls i like how 2 towns have to come togher to make 1 dept lol

funny you did a typo in the first sentence of your paragraph there, also if i saw your fat ass laying dying on the ground, i know i wouldn’t want to touch you.

:lol: funny you mention that…every time we roll to an EMS call I always start singing “here we come to save the day…”