Working on my car rant.

just get rid opf the POS, and buy that Honda yer always dreamin about.

i dont know how he makes time u should say…school and work togther with his schedule would put me to sleep for weeks… he just sleeps for like 3hrs and gets up and goes @ it again…

crazzzzzy foooker.

but hey 1 month from now u will be enjoying your car like whoaaaaaa

how to finish this project

pull engine / tranny
finish parts install now that everything is easy to get to
drop engine tranny into the 87

fuck rust.

What ever happened to “oh, it’s really not all that bad to work on”… :gotme:

Hmm, clutch install is actually going pretty smooth. Just talked to my tooner too and i should have my xcal2 and toon by friday. Hopefully I will be ready to fire her up next weekend :slight_smile: Heh maybe its not really that bad to work on after all :gotme: :stuck_out_tongue:

Good progress today :tup: Just got done installing the CenterForce flywheel/disc/PP setup. tranny goes back in tomorrow and hopefully the rest of the car will go back together other then the x pipe which i need to take to hybrid to have a bung welded in. Now its time to celebrate my good work. :slight_smile: :beer:

Ill try to get some pics up soon once my sis gets back from her trip and gives me my digi back.

anyone wanna finish lowering my subframe and take out my transmission?

Im sleepy.

Adding to the list, having numerous metal slivers in your hand = suck

This video has me motivated again.



Here’s my saga from today…

Starting with:

  • I don’t have a place to keep two cars, so I have only a couple of ways to go about things: Option 1: Work on the car in my grandfather’s garage, which is 20 miles from where I live (and 40 miles from work), and entails loading up every tool I own in the car and dropping them off before I go pick up the car at my parents house (which is within walking distance of my grandfather’s, fortunately). Option 2: work on the car outside in my front parking lot, and deal with the audience of endless people going into the asian food store and wanting to know everything I’m doing. That and the ~4 yr old kid from that same store who doesn’t seem to have anyone his own age to play with and will just stay and bother me endlessly. Today I chose option 2.

  • I only have one day a week when I can work on the car, because of my work hours. That day was today, and I put in about 10 hours, and oh yeah, I still have to do a little work tomorrow before I actually can drive the car.

  • Today it seemed like everything was in the way of what I really wanted to work on, which was the front sway bar and mounts. Fortunately, the biggest problems were the A/C and power steering lines, but they aren’t there any more.

  • Getting to the upper left bolt on the condenser was a real PITA, and it would have been quite easy if I could have figured out how to get the front bumper cover off. I gave up on that after an hour or so and went back to the ever-painful “hold arm above your head for 30 minutes because there is only enough room to get two clicks on the ratchet” routine.
    Anyway, what did I accomplish today?

  • Cruise control removed

  • A/C all removed except the part that is hidden inside the dashboard

  • Power steering removed and brand-new manual steering rack installed

  • Probably about 60 - 70lbs of weight reduction and a much less cluttered engine bay
    Did I forget to mention how much working on cars sucks?

^ ok. i feel better now definately. lol

I feel your pain bro. Try working on a SHO, you’ll appreciate your 'Stang a little more.

$50 and a mean hander and I will do anything

after spending the last two weekends pulling my engine out, bolting on all the shiny new parts and putting that thing back in i cant describe how happy i am its off the jackstands. total it was about 25-30 hrs of work with two people. wasnt fun but with the fsm and some patience its not tooo bad.

But yea my hands are torn apart, my whole body is sore from numerous contortionist (sp?) acts to get at certain bolts. and 15 yr old parts not having anything to do with being removed.

:cry: :cry: :violin:

The thing you gotta do is pay somebody to do it for you and then bitch that they are doing it all wrong.

I did a clutch on my 96 Probe GT. That was annoying. Then after putting 250 miles on the new clutch the timing belt went and bent some valves :slight_smile: Yippy.

Today’s progress is more scraped knuckles and a tranny thats a few inches away from being put back in. Gonna wait til tomorrow when i get an extra hand, i dont want to try to do this myself and end up putting all the weight on the input shaft because i cant position the tranny at the right angle to get it back in properly.

Once thats set I just need to run wiring for my BAP, hook up a vacuum line, a few other misc odds and ends, and the car should atleast be back up and running again. My tune and programmer should be here on Thursday, so hopefully by then I can just upload the new tune, and be good to go.

Screw working on your car for 1.5 years and when you finally get everything together and assembled, it doesn’t start.

Screw wiring

Screw car alarm systems