World's BEST at minimum costs

World’s Best French Fries - $1 from McDonald’s
Godiva Chocolate - $3-4 a piece

what else could u guys think of?

well i guess it all depends on how few a quantity u take it down too but ok

you cant really have a opinion on Worlds best anything unless you have actually left Buffalo and the States to try things elsewhere

My Favorite would be a better topic

RANT MODE ON: oh man I wish people would stop being cheap bastards, yes there may be things out there that are cheaper than others but there is a reason why things cost what they do…you pay for what you get and McDonalds fries suck, wendys is where its at RANT MODE OFF

GOD DAMN FLEA-BAY!!! made cheap fucks out of everyone on the planet

i think mcdonald’s have the best fries. When u order fries, make sure u order with no salt. they HAVE to fry it fresh for u. Then u add salt and pepper urself :slight_smile:

fries: im soo with you on that one

flea-bay: agreed, but there is a difference between a “quality off brand” and just plain cheap

I prefer BK fries, Wendy’s is a close 2nd. McD’s is at the bottom of the list.

no arbys?

I agree… plain McD fries are at the bottom… plain being the 2 hour old special you get everywhere… but theres something special about their fries when they are almost still wet w/ grease from the vat… MMmmmmmm

Burger King has the best fast food frys

Arbys has the best curly frys

All fast food fries suck.

There are plenty of fries out there 10,000 times better. Go to any county fair, or other place that has travelling food stands. Or, ETS on Elmwood, plain fries are excellent, Supreme Fries are amazing. There are more out there, just the ones off the top of my head… Mississippi Muds…

i don’t know what wendy’s you guys are going to. seriously… all the wendys i go to give out lame limp undercooked fried all the time :gay2:

i like swiss chalet fries with their secret sauce

McDonalds has the best nothing. Disgusting food at a great price. I should do their marketing for them.

I tried to sell A+++++ quality parts I made and flea-bay people would only pay bottom dollar because they are the kind of people that shop at WalMart.
They are the kind of people that are making China more powerful with every cheap ass purchase.
People have been conditioned to buy cheap throw-away shit and NEVER expect quality.
The electronics industry started this, you may have heard me rant about it in the past.
End of rant.(for now)

Wordizzle ma nizzle…

On topic…Honda Civic

ETS has the best fries!

the best retirement for less
good health care for less
cost of living is 1/3 less, meaning you can retire earlier and live better… and have great weather all year long.

you can also try belize. i hear its nice there too.

LOL…I wouldn’t even go as far as calling it food…

dolla nuggets at wendy’s

unnnnghhhhh :tspry:

I’m going to turn on rant mode -

Paying too much for anything does not make it a better product, especially in quality. Whats wrong with Walmart? Maybe of some of the other stores didn’t inflate their prices (on foreign and domestic goods) I would feel more comfortable shopping there. Why should I got to GAP, Pennys, or any other large department store and spend 30-70 dollars for jeans when they wear out just as fast as my $7.00 Steve and Barry pants? Fuck expensive clothes, there is no reason for it. Most of the designer clothes that have massive mark-ups are created by the same sweat shops that make the clothes I wear, and they aren’t any better quality… same goes for sneakers. I haven’t spent more than 10 bux on a new pair of sneakers in like 4 years. The dollar store sneakers are nice if you can find a pair that fits… I actually bought a whole outfit @ the dollar store for like 20 bucks… socks, shoes, shirt, pants… and the gloves i went in there for…
end rant mode.

BTW - BK fries are #1.

Steve and Barry’s … nothing like working on a car in new clothes. Their denim is a little thin, but is gets oil stains just as easy as any other materal.