Worst movie you ever saw...

i didnt think smokin aces was bad either, and carell. evan all mighty was certainly a worse steve carell movie than get smart though :stuck_out_tongue:

Punch Drunk Love, Adam Sandler was terrible in this one. this is one of the only movies i got up and walked out on.

american dreams.
meet the spartians.
epic movie.

i wanted to shoot myself after only being 10 min into all of those movies.

I’d vote for Napolean Dynamite as worst ever


those movies all sucked a fat one

   		I'd vote for Napolean Dynamite as worst ever 	

lol really? I actually liked it a lot. Uncle Rico was such a douche

At least Napoleon Dynamite was good for what it was. It had an intention and achieved it.

Vantage Point failed in every possible way.

that shit was just on recently

Vantage Point wasn’t that bad. It didn’t deserve the hype it had. It wasn’t anything special.

It was especially terrible. Talk about a movie where nothing changes. A unreasonably convoluted plan, OH MY GOD THE TERRORISTS hold on we solved the problem through pure chance and everything’s okay now

I know this post is disjointed but so is that piece of crap movie

i agree with you 100% and the fact that they made a sequal to it is even worse

I feel like i can tell a lot about a person’s intelligence based on the movies that they don’t like.

This is probably my favorite adam sandler movie.

Not saying a ton, but yeah.

I have to agree with newman…on the Punch Drunk Love bit. Great Movie. How can you not like a Paul Thomas Anderson flick?

Starship Troopers 1, 2, and 3.

I loled at both sequals for using a makeshift flashlight in the barrels of the guns to make the flash.

nacho libre


your nuts




saw it in a packed theatre on opening night and like 10 people through shit at the screen and i raped 2 girls in anger.

terrible terrible movie


Open water, phone booth, any of the Saw movies…

maybe it was because I was young when I saw it, but “Traffic”