Worst thing thats ever happened...

to anyone close to me…

one of my closest friends’ cousin’s was supposed to get married today. She is a very sweet girl and her fiance is an awesome guy. Early this morning/sometime last night after 12 he stepped out of his house to meet a friend at a local bar. When he went up to buy his first round he fainted and smacked his head off of the bar. After that he came to and said he was fine but then passed out again and had no pulse. They tried to bring him back but failed and he never woke up. :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

that fuckin sucks :frowning:

any idea on why he just dropped?


he had some rare heart condition when he was an infant, but the surgery to treat it was children’s hospital’s first and was a success, he was actually their poster child for it, if u will. We dont know if its due to that (which is not looking like thats the reason), or if its somthing related to just his bad circulation. There was a cut on his leg that appearantly hasnt healed in months and he never told anyone about it aside from his fiance but they never thought anything serious of it. They think that might be related, not the cause but a sign somthing was going wrong. Could just be a clot also…

omg thats terrible

wow. sorry to hear. my prayers go out to your friends and their families

Very much appreciated
im not a religious person, but i’ve found that times like this i pray alot myself for people who are in need of it…and am very thankful for what/who i have.

Clot sounds logical. I had one in my chest a few years back… that shit would stop an elephant in it’s tracks. Sorry about the situation and my condolences to all of his family and friends.

thats pretty much how i am too. and u hate to hear things like that happeneing. it must be very hard for the friends/families to deal with.

wow. sorry to hear that. I’ll keep your friends/family in my prayers too.

maybe he had diabetes? but anyways, you are in my prayers…

I’ve got diabetes and I crash and burn and bleed year round. It sure wouldn’t help a guy but it shouldn’t drop him at a bar and stop his heart.

Now if you’re not htat religious but find yourself praying during times of duress…you’re more religious than you know. Action speaks louder than words…

Sorry to hear of it. My condolencenses…

wow, sorry to hear