Would you look at that? TDI Logik Petes lack of credibility ITT








Lol is this workaholics show funny? Never seen it. I’ll download it when over home

Funniest show I’ve seen

Just want to make it clear, the views represented by vlad and other likes, are not my own, actually at this point you can probably consider them opposite of mine.

Don’t associate me with the recent changes in direction over here , I do not approve.

vlad on some rampage shit ITT

This is all your fault Singh. I place the blame entirely on you.

apparently its my fault that this mess has dragged on so long , if I was a YESSMAN and agreed with vlad and his new ban-gun-everyone style then apparently it would be calm waters right now




I think some people on this forum need to get laid. Might mellow a few of you out. :dunno

I’m getting laid while I post these gifs. Some people need to learn how to multitask

Well i like your style :lol


WHERE CAN I WATCH WORKAHOLICS, or do I need to go find a torrent