Need torrents
Doin that now too!
This is the most LOL of the thread. I almost died.
Where did it get you? LOLOLOL
Don’t ban members who have supported this site from the get-go for ball busting, especially during the off season. It’s just not something that needs to be done.
:rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl
da fukt i miss?
School. You are socially retarded and the only explanation that can be given is that you dropped out in first grade.
just keep steam rolling workaholic gifs until we are numb a void of emotion!!!
yes. that happened. im sorry, i thought we were talking about petard being banned by the site owner/creator because vlad decided he didnt want petes input on everything from cum baths to corrados, which im sure pete is an expert on (just ask him). vlad and i havent always seen eye to eye on things but its his site. he pays the bills and ultimately if u dont like it… theres the door. dont wanna abide by the rules… you will be shown the door. pete has no vested stake in shift518 nor does he hold any type of management position… soo hes pretty much shit out of luck. and btw how fucking galactically stupid do you have to be to piss off the owner of the site when u know he just has to click “ban” and ur done… seriously?:rofl
cum baths to corrados
:rofl :rofl :rofl
:rofl :rofl :rofl
:rofl :rofl :rofl
:rofl :rofl :rofl
:rofl :rofl :rofl
:rofl :rofl :rofl
Holy $hit.
Even Travis is smarter than this and gets it :wow
Seems like Pete is a lost cause :crackup
…you have no room to talk about stupid decisions.
Anyone wanna help me prop my car up on scissor jacks?
I’m in.
:lol when travis is on the same level of thought as you… and you still think everything is alright…
ha, oh boy.