Would you look at that? TDI Logik Petes lack of credibility ITT

Hey Travis, I hope you don’t wear blue coats anymore cause that’s my shit now

psssh bitch im a pro at that… i got it no problem… wheres ur keys?:ponder

Tss… if I wanted my car burned to the ground, Id give you my keys.

hand em to slowmarro… he was driving.:crackup

True… i guess if i wanted real issues id hand you over the reins to my finances! :excited

HAAA you got bigger problems than me handling finances… you got Obama handling them. thats scary enough for everyone to appreciate id think.

He can at least keep a job.

ohhhh travis, how we miss you

had a job for the last 3 months. making more than i was at langan… but you all dont need to know about my personal life. :wink:

Where do you work now?

oh i know. glad yall still think bout me. fuckers prolly all beat off thinking about my pink rims too dont ya?

none of ur business.:rofl

ohhh cmon now… don’t old out you yellow tooth fuck

sucks to be you. its a terrible thing to want and not receive aint it?

Wow! 3 whole months?! Look at you go! Hopefully it keeps up with the good luck streak, wouldnt want to extinguish that bright burning career flame.

hahaha. bud, i dont know what you do for a living nor do i care, but after reading that petard is the one that got you to join this site, i lost any and all hope for you. cool u got a fast car. wanna cookie? life isnt a penis measuring contest “bro”. but if it was… pretty sure i still gotcha beat…

Youre not beating anyone at anything besides being a pathetic failure.

you still fuckin the bacne bitch?

Ugh. Gross. Shes probably a cow too.

So is Jammer, Boxersix, Rocketpunch, JVG, and every other respected member on the forum.

Your point?