woundeirng if anyone swap out dash in s13

hey im wanting to swap out brown dash with black and woundering if anyone has done it. wat can a person do about the vin plate on the dash? i now its revited in.

ive swapped dash boards several times, didnt really care about the vin number thing, just leave it

try and switch it over if you can, if not write down the vin number thats on the dash now, if your car is ever stolen and recovered the police go off the number on the dash (i could be wrong about this but i’m about 90% sure)

I have a black dash for sale if you want to buy

located calgary

To switch vin numbers simply get a 1/8" drill bit and drill out the rivet right in the center, do this to both plates. Purchase a pop riveter at home depot. Now align the old plate on the new dash put a rivet in the gun then in the hole, squeeze the handle and now it is attached… :smiley:

ahh… VERY NICE!!! anyone know were the bolts are that hold the dash in place?

just look around. there are a couple in the top defrost vents, on each side underneath. pretty easy

If you download the CA 180sx manual it tells you step by step. That is how I did mine.
