wow, justice is a-workin

so Karla Homolka is now allowed to call up her ex-hubby and chat for a while.

she is also allowed to contact the families of the victims and say whatever she wants

but i have to go to court and pay a fine for speeding…WTF>!>

You are both criminals!

in all seriousness, what do you think would happen if i were to be say at Tim Hortons and Karla Homolka were beside me in line.

lets say that i turned and knocked her in the face and proceeded to grab her by the hair and slam her face into the tables and chairs and such.

then poured my hot tea on her face and kicked her a few times.

pretty certain that i would do this if there werent police officers around or anyone else who would try and stop me.

do u think i would be prosecuted or do you think that people across the province would send money to pay for good legal counsel to keep me out of jail.

You’d be on your own…

I think, by nature, Canadians are too level headed and would not support that behaviour.

(edit: Karla would kick your ass anyway! :smiley: )

i think people are outraged that shes got off like that… but because it does not directly affect their way of life… they will not do anything…

IE: they will cheer that you did that… but wont do fuk all to help you out. thats humans for you.


pfff… im pretty much undefeated thus far…

Yeah, mose people just like to watch something like that happen but they definitely won’t help if you get arrested or whatever.

I’d back bing up, and when he was done with her I’d quite possibly end her life.

that judge should be put in jail himself.

who wants to bet he doesnt have a daughter, and or, he’s a big hannibal lecter fan

the judge fucked up, yes. karla’s a psycho, yes. but it’s not your place to do anything, and in all seriousness, do you really want to follow in her footsteps to deliver her “justice”? trash like that isnt worth the time or trouble, and there’s nothing you as an vigilante can do about it. :frowning:

I would love to hear the court transcript for this decision… I mean it just doesn’t make ANY sense to remove those restrictions! She is a convicted criminal, who was involved in a psychotic murder case… probably more dangerous than most criminals out on parole. You really have to wonder what is going on in that courtroom, with that judge…

“I’d kill her if i saw her”
“I’d kick her ass if i saw her on the street”
^^^ BULL-SH1T. Comon…

I wouldn’t say the judge f’ud up. I’d say the law f’d up and the initial verdict was the mistake.
It’s hard to apply ‘special laws’ to just individual people. She did her time, no bail, no time off. She got out, and since there’s nothing substantial enough to keep her under watch for the rest of her life, they can’t do much.
Maybe the judge could have kept her under wraps for a bit longer, but eventually this would have happened.
Child molesters can be watched for the rest of their life, but sister-molesters + murder assistants get off a-ok in the end.

unfortunitly lil mikey is right.

But she still deserves to be shot, and i would probably have to think twice a bout hitting the brakes if she was infront of my car, I meen i proably would but it would take me a second or more to do it.

a second more is all it takes. :wink:

mike, that is what one of hte VP’s at my work was saying when we were talking about. he has abackground in law as well.

but still, the verdict shows a complete lack of compassion for the victims.

the crime that was commited was among the most severe of our generation and it really hits home because of what those girls went through.

its a very public and controvesial case.


it was an exceptional crime, it really was and because of there it would not be hard to apply special restrictions.

no one would argue with it, as opposed to this decision which just amplifies the restrictions of the legal system and very publicly so.

she should not be allowed to contact Paul or the victims. she should never be allowed to get near a 16 year old girl ever.

she is not deserving of freedom, she is lucky that she has it, but it should not be aboslute freedom.

a DUI will getyou heavier restrictions that what she has.

not to be rude, in all seriousness, if she was a black guy she would have been put to death a decade ago.

Agreed. People are fuking lazy.