wow road rage and depew cops suck

commin home from a wake the other day i was turn left off of central onto walden and behind my a guy in his huge ass jeep (compared to my little saturn) is riding my ass the whole time. after we get half way down walden he starts honking is horn and flashing his brights.i couldnt get into the next lane due to traffic. so when i get infront of the car dealership on walden he swerves almost hits my rear bumper to the center median goes up next to me and starts wavin his arms and me flippin my off. then proceeds to start merging into my lane forcing me to near miss hittin the car to the right of me. so both the car next to me and myself pull over and call the cops

now the cop part.

i call 911 and they ask where am i located and whats the problem i said im on dick and walden the imediatly go thats cheektowaga and hang up. i call again and get cheektowaga i say im on walden and dick and they imediatly say thats depew and switch me over. so now the other car and me are pissed off cause its freezing. i tell the operator that some guy was forcing me off the road and that i have the other car i almost hit as a witness. they send a depew officer and he says there is nothing we can do even if u have his plates sry and then took off because no damage was done.

moral of the story if a guy is tryin to run u off the road cause hes an ass make sure he hits u so u get money:wiggle:

next time get out of my way

^ some how, i really did see that coming.

classic post after a story like that, yet always mildly funny.

damn, man

people drive like cocks everywhere

just do your best to avoid them and go on with your life

Worthless fucking Depew are only there at 1am shadowing you home … trying to come up with a bullshit reason to pull you over

so was the jeep huge, or was it a normal sized jeep?

so you were in the left lane? do what speed, in what MPH zone?

You called the police with no pl8 #? Why?

You spell “plate” pl8? Why?

Its the internet why the hell not ?
Better find every post and say something about the LMAO, LOL’s and so on.
Get to work!

will do chief!

no we had a plate number the jeep was huge comared to my saturn sl.the cops said they will call the guy and get his story so basically they are not goin to call if they do the guy would probly say i wasnt driving that day…

the speed limit was 45 i was doin about 50 5 over the speed like i always do

Because it makes you look like a blithering idiot.

American Heritage Dictionary - Cite This Source - Share This blith·er (blĭth'ər) Pronunciation Key
intr.v. blith·ered, blith·er·ing, blith·ers
To blather.

[Probably blend of blather and dither.]

They are not sure either

adj. 1. talking incoherently; as, a blithering idiot.
And that’s all I have to say about that.

Look at his User Name

so would i

:word: enough said