WRC Lamborghini Gallardo


This is great. And no music needed :tup:

Nice I wonder if I can get one of the directors at work to try this with his.


Top Gear Bentley rally 100x better than this.


The guy driving did not look confident AT ALL.

^^Y eah i thought so too. Just a lLambo driving slightly fast in some wet gravel…barely even a scandinavian flick…Kimmi is not impressed.
The TG Bentley though was balls deeps.

That dude should’ve worn a helmet…he looked terrified every time they showed the in car

that just didnt look right, you can tell the suspension was giving him a big FU

I love that he’s rallying a Lambo

but that dude was driving like a pansy

Pause @ 0:24

Lambo guy doesn’t even have his seat adjust properly, look at his shoulder position vs. the Bentley guy.


Was he wearing a seatbelt or am I just not seeing it?